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  1. #1
    catfish's Avatar
    catfish is offline Junior Member
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    Dr Prescribed HGH

    If I went to my Dr and he prescribed me with HGH, would I have to pay for it our would my insurance cover it? I know your all gonna say it all depends on my insurance, I have Blue Cross Blue Shield. Its pretty good insurance and I'm fine if I have to pay a co-pay. Thanks if you have an answer...

  2. #2
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Im not sure on Gh but that company will not cover my fathers TRT prescription but they will cover him going in to the doc to receive the shot

  3. #3
    catfish's Avatar
    catfish is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    Im not sure on Gh but that company will not cover my fathers TRT prescription but they will cover him going in to the doc to receive the shot
    So it kind of does cover it then, if he gets his trt once or twice a week, isnt that pretty much the same thing?

  4. #4
    catfish's Avatar
    catfish is offline Junior Member
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    Anybody else?

  5. #5
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Yeah well the hassle of going in sucks. If that was your case with the GH you would be there almost everyday

  6. #6
    catfish's Avatar
    catfish is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    Yeah well the hassle of going in sucks. If that was your case with the GH you would be there almost everyday
    Thats true, but my Dr is on the way to the gym...

  7. #7
    tominpa is offline New Member
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    I think you would spend more time waiting around in the doctors waiting room and it wouldnt be worth it. Even a quick stop on the way to the gym might add 1/2 each day.

  8. #8
    fm2002 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tominpa View Post
    I think you would spend more time waiting around in the doctors waiting room and it wouldnt be worth it. Even a quick stop on the way to the gym might add 1/2 each day.
    I agree. I hate needles, but HGH shots are no problem and quick and easy to do yourself. Test E on the other hand I have done, but it's cheap and easy in my part of the world to have this done.

  9. #9
    catfish's Avatar
    catfish is offline Junior Member
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    Ok so if I have to do bloodwork in part of my Dr visit, I am currently running a test c cycle 600mgs a week and I'm about halfway through my cycle. I'm sure that will show up in the bloodwork. So should I wait till after my cycle to go to the Dr and if so, how long should I wait till my last injection to go and get my bloodwork done? Thanks again...

  10. #10
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    I would go right after pct. Your test should still be low but not low enough that it's suspicous. Btw wear baggy clothes so u don't look like a juicer. Worked for me

  11. #11
    catfish's Avatar
    catfish is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    I would go right after pct. Your test should still be low but not low enough that it's suspicous. Btw wear baggy clothes so u don't look like a juicer. Worked for me
    I also heard to not get a lot of sleep, maybe eat poorly and drink a few beers the day before, ever hear of this?

  12. #12
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    If you have legitimate GH issues there is a good chance that Blue Cross Blue Shield will pick up the tab. My neighbor has a daughter who was barely 4 feet tall at 12 year old. She was pale, skinny and it was obvious she wasn't going to grow much. The Dr. diagnosed with grow hormone deficiency and prescribed GH. The GH comes each week to his house and the insurance picked up the tab. He had Blue Cross Blue Shield. She's 14 now and almost 5 feet tall. Thank goodness for doctors, in this instance.

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