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  1. #1
    FuKiN MoNSTeR's Avatar
    FuKiN MoNSTeR is offline Junior Member
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    May 2004

    Need Help putting this all Together HGH/CJC/GHRP6/Fragment 176

    Like the title states, Hypothetically a guy I know has access to all the the above in good size quantities. Currently going 4iu ED of GH, and would like to add some more peptides to my current run. What would be the best way of combining these.
    Currently looking at:
    3iu ED HGH Evening
    300mcg 191-176 GH Fragment Pre workout
    150mcgs cjc 1295 - ED mornings
    150mcgs ghrp-6 - 2xED/mornings and Post work out

    or do you think id be better scrapping the ghrp/cjc and just bumping up to 4-5 iu GH a day. Ive also heard some good things about just doing 5days GH / 2 CJC

    Any help would be much appreciated.

  2. #2
    tominpa is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Im not sure but from what Ive read Id take the HGH in the am

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