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  1. #1
    Jessyjack10's Avatar
    Jessyjack10 is offline Associate Member
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    Need help with Pregnanct test...Already did a Search !

    Hi all,
    I wanted to test my gh to make sure that it wasn't hcg . So I bought this pregnancy kit

    As to not waist a sh*t load of gh to saturate the absobing tip before it acutally reaches the test strip itself, I originally wanted to squirt my gh right in the result window of the pregnancy test, but as I unrapped the stick I soon found out that the " result window " is plastified which means that the liquid has to be absorbed by the underside of the paper strip where it is not plastified. So I decided to open up the pregnancy test stick and squirt on the actually test strip itself.

    The first test showed negative but I felt I didn't do it right, so I did it again with a second stick and it came out POSITIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So to confront my source ( who is a friend ) with the unpleasant results, I decided to buy an other brand of tests to make sure I wasn't accusing him falsely

    I did that same procedure of opening up the sticks and applying directly on the test strip paper. Both results came out NEGATIVE !!!!

    Now I'm stuck with two contradictory results !

    My questions are:

    1- was my procedure to open up the test sticks wrong ?

    2- if i had one positive and 2 negative what should my conclusion be ?

    3- are there better test sticks for this purpose ?

    Thanks guys

    Last edited by Jessyjack10; 09-25-2009 at 09:28 AM.

  2. #2
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    you would have used the same amount of GH if you just would have done it right the 1st time. jmo

  3. #3
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    In the lab, if there are conflicting reports with two test we always do a third to confirm. You know what they say, "Third time's the charm."

  4. #4
    time 4 a *CHANGE*'s Avatar
    time 4 a *CHANGE* is offline Associate Member
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    im guessin ur hgh is g2g since u have 3 out of 4 negative results. and don't sum women be doin pregnacy tests and then get one out of one positive test, so they go around thinkin thier pregnant and so go to a doctor to find out that thy r really not.

  5. #5
    JimInAK's Avatar
    JimInAK is offline Member
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    i think that you could tell by the sides, if you've done HGH before.

    you could get a couple of IGF-1 tests done and that will tell you with absolute certainty, but it'll cost a couple of hundred dollars.

  6. #6
    Jessyjack10's Avatar
    Jessyjack10 is offline Associate Member
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    THANKS guys for your feedback,

    come to think of it, my gh came in the pen form which means it's already mixed and is in a liquid form. So I don't think that any smart counterfeiter would actually but some hcg in there cause it's easy to detect and expensive ( sterile water would be much cheaper ).

    In the following weeks I will see the affect as I am using it with out AAS.

    Thanks again

  7. #7
    TRYER's Avatar
    TRYER is offline Associate Member
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    jessy are you getting any sides at the moment ?

  8. #8
    JimInAK's Avatar
    JimInAK is offline Member
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    If you haven't done HGH before, you should feel some side effects at 4iu/day. If you don't, I would question whether I had the genuine product.

    I currently do 2iu/day and I feel the difference between being on and off HGH, although I am 50 years old and that does make a difference.

  9. #9
    Jessyjack10's Avatar
    Jessyjack10 is offline Associate Member
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    I have experienced hgh with and without the use of aas. Right now I am in my 2nd week and aas free.

    The only side I feel soo far is my sex drive going up and my nuts hurting ( the good kind of " hurt " ), which is what originally had me thinking it might be hcg .

  10. #10
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    I'm at 5iu/ed for some time but I haven't felt an increase in my sex drive. I got fat fingers and water retention as sides but never an increase in sex drive. Are you taking anything with the HGH?

  11. #11
    Jessyjack10's Avatar
    Jessyjack10 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard View Post
    I'm at 5iu/ed for some time but I haven't felt an increase in my sex drive. I got fat fingers and water retention as sides but never an increase in sex drive. Are you taking anything with the HGH?
    No, nothing at all ! My sex drive had been down for a few months and now it's back up.

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