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  1. #41
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    i am so confused i feel like everything i thought i knew about hgh is wrong ohh no ha. So is it ok for soemone who is 24 to take 9ius 3 times a week or is that not enough. And why at night now compared to when you first wake up.

  2. #42
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    seriously i am tripping i feel like this sounds in theory that it would work. I also like the idea of only injectign 3 times a weeek sounds pretty convenient.

  3. #43
    turk1968 is offline Associate Member
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    First i am no expert. What i do believe in is trying something different for yourself and see what happens to your body. I like to document everything i do with respect to training ,diet aas and hgh. The problem with the internet is if you search you can find a study saying "drink plenty of water its good for you" and another saying"dont drink too much water irs bad for you".Get my drift.

    What annoys me is when people come on here and say that there is only one way to do anything based on some study and are not prepared to open their mind ,consider ,try and then make their decision based on there experiences rather than parroting round the same old info they read 10 minutes ago.A lack of debate has seemed to have come about.

    In a couple of weeks when i finish i will document exactly what i did and then maybe we can debate the results with peoples positive input as to where my gains have come from.

    I have not taken my hgh at night i have taken it all in one shot( 3 x 8iu green tops mixed with 1.5ml of solution) mon wed fri about 3pm in the afternoon about 1 hr before i train. This is not for any scientific reasoning this was just convienient for my life style.

    I finish my hgh and aas in 2 weeks then i have an 8 week break and if bloods come back good back on for another 8 weeks hgh and aas.

  4. #44
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    how old are you guys though when should i dose mine if i do 3 times a week protocal. i am 24 so i feel like if i took before i went to bed would mess me up is this correct?

  5. #45
    YouSeeIt's Avatar
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    Im am not sure about this but i did read something about this. I am also younger and I take my gh in the morning but if you are older you do not get your natural pulses as strong as when you were 24 so its recommended to do it at night as a replacement of your natural pulses. I agree with turk though about trying things a certain way and seeing how it works best for you. I dont know about how long it takes for the actual gh to hit your system after you do your shot so i cant say when the absolute best time to do it is. This thread is good though definitely a different method then the norm.

  6. #46
    PT's Avatar
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    im not a fan. i like 3ius 3 times a day
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  7. #47
    OH REALLY is offline Banned
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    im going to try pinning 8ius three times a weeks..

  8. #48
    OH REALLY is offline Banned
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    ok i swiched it from 4ius a day to 10 ius 3 times a week

  9. #49
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    keep us updated on how this works out for you man.

  10. #50
    OH REALLY is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    keep us updated on how this works out for you man.
    well im in my first week and all the sides are back...

  11. #51
    newcityboy32 is offline New Member
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    If you click on the Human Growth Hormone link on the main web site here he quotes a research article on eod (3.5x per week) injections in children (The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 87, No.8 3573-3577 - I googled it and read it ) - the point I think being that it does not cause your own body to stop producing and two years after they stopped injections they had higher IGF-1 levels than the kids who were given ed injections. Although the kids were given hGH for a different reason I think the results would apply here. I would rather not have my body shut down production and then try and get it restarted later.

  12. #52
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  13. #53
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Quote Originally Posted by turk1968 View Post
    If you ask 100 people if they have a headache what do they do ,you get many different answers as we are all different.Same with HGH .I think that the most common way people take it (along with myself) is twice per day,first thing and early morning with no shots more than 5ius.

    Sometimes we have to break away from the agreed route and try something different.I cant believe there are any studies where people have been given larger dosages eod . This method may not work, may not be better or may be.If the sides get too bad then i will reduce back to 5/2 as before which as i said gave me slow but nice fat loss.

    The only waste could be my ££ but being an old fat this is not a problem.

    I will report back an honest account of the results.
    I versatile\ can be taken just about anyway you can think of smartly and stacked with just about anything you want and make some gains...its all in how much you ca afford...I'm prepping for my second cycle of it...first time was eod...this time 3 on 1 off...both are 2 iu's...

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misery13 View Post
    I versatile\ can be taken just about anyway you can think of smartly and stacked with just about anything you want and make some gains...its all in how much you ca afford...I'm prepping for my second cycle of it...first time was eod...this time 3 on 1 off...both are 2 iu's...
    u get results from 2iu's??

  15. #55
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force View Post
    goose i take it u dont agree with my 3 x a week hgh theory lol ?

    whats the reason for taking it PWO?
    i think you could be right,Im doing EOD on my next run in a month.With that you got more of a balance of both worlds.

  16. #56
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    I am so happy you guys posted up your follow up on he 3 times a week dose. keep us posted.

  17. #57
    2jz_calgary's Avatar
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    i think when i run gh i will try out this 3 times a week procedure, i like the way it sounds.

  18. #58
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    would also like to hear what marcus thinks of all this!

  19. #59
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2jz_calgary View Post
    would also like to hear what marcus thinks of all this!

  20. #60
    OH REALLY is offline Banned
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  21. #61
    RippedtoHell is offline New Member
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    A little off topic.. how are you guys running gh and igf PW? Gh suppose to avoid eating but igf you are not?? I'm thinking of using igf pre workout since it has a long half life and gh PW(empty stomach)..anyone figure this out?

  22. #62
    the big 1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RippedtoHell View Post
    A little off topic.. how are you guys running gh and igf PW? Gh suppose to avoid eating but igf you are not?? I'm thinking of using igf pre workout since it has a long half life and gh PW(empty stomach)..anyone figure this out?
    I think you would be better off doing gh on an empty stomache first thing in the morning and igf after a workout in the muscle for local growth, i probably wrong, but i think thats how its done, wait for a vet to reply, GEAR is the man for this question

  23. #63
    GUP is offline Junior Member
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    any more opinions on this 3 x week set up ? for those trying it out vs ed ?

  24. #64
    2jz_calgary's Avatar
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    hgh does have a short half life only a couple of hours. Im not so sure the eod procedure would be the best. Im doing mine 5iu a day 7 days a week. I havent read of anyone who has shut down their pituitary gland.

  25. #65
    GUP is offline Junior Member
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    I am also still on 5iu ed one shot at 4am 1 hour before cardio

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