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  1. #1
    ryan041386 is offline New Member
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    HGH for my little Brother?

    Hey guys, I am new to the forums and just recently I started HGH injections in order to build muscle mass. I am 24 and am immediately seeing the results. My little brother is as well and he is well aware of the fact taht I am using. He, also a workoutaholic asked if he could take it and i said i will do some research on the side effects and then tell you so i was hoping you guys could help.

    He is 17 and he works out about 2 - 3 hours a day. He eats very good.

    At the moment his only concern is that he is a little short (he wants to hit 6 feet)

    He also wants his jaw to become more defined/manly and i know this will come with age without hgh and am unsure how that will affect him

    Similarly he wants his shoulders to broaden and I know that mine didn't start broadening till i turned about 18.

    we heard that HGH at a young age can prevent you from fully maturing and leave you with childlike features. Any advice is grealty appreciated because hes been driving me crazy to get some HGH in his system lol.

  2. #2
    DCannon's Avatar
    DCannon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Unless supervised by a doctor, he's too young for hgh.

  3. #3
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Why work out for 3 hours a day? seems like over kill.

  4. #4
    ryan041386 is offline New Member
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    he does 2 hours a day. about an 50 mins for a small muscle group (bis tris) and 1 hour and 10 minutes for a larger one (back chest). and then the days he goes 3 hours he incorporates legs or abs. i usually work out with him (80 percent of the time)

    hes not going to be supervised but when you say hes too young what do you mean? Im somewhat unfamiliar with the effects of hgh on teens. i no for the most part it is used for people with gh deficiencies but what would happen if he is producing a normal amount of hgh?

  5. #5
    youngerlion is offline Banned
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    too young because he still has great natural possibility of amazing growth and the body structure that he seeks to achieve... . HGH or any other supplements can not guarantee that he will be satisfied with the results or achieve his goal. he needs to eat more and workout less. visit diet section and get a new training routine. he is only 17. He will grow with all the natural test his body is still producing. Hgh is not the answer unless like D said; he has some type of issue that puts him below natural hormone levels that cause him to be abnormally short. If he is above 5 foot and has no type of unnatural issues ;no M.D. will prescribe or recommend this journey.
    Last edited by youngerlion; 12-11-2009 at 12:57 PM.

  6. #6
    youngerlion is offline Banned
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    Side Effects
    -- Premature death (in case of acro megaly)
    -- Heart enlargement (due to prolonged use of HGH. Can't be reversed)
    -- Low blood sugar with risk of going into a diabetic coma
    -- Excessive hair growth all over the body
    -- Excessive water retention
    -- Liver damage
    -- Thyroid damage
    --Lower life expectancy
    --serious deformities of the facial and muscle structure is also a possibility
    An internet search will give you better details of the many other problems that are a possibility. I found these on mens health.
    Last edited by youngerlion; 12-11-2009 at 12:52 PM. Reason: a non offensive helpful term was edited in my post

  7. #7
    Lethalius's Avatar
    Lethalius is offline Junior Member
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    The thought of a 17 yr old and even a 24 yr old taking HGH seems very asinine. There is no need to take it that young and there are risks. You both have plenty of HGH already in your body- take advantage of it and wait until you really need exogenous HGH injections.
    Last edited by Lethalius; 12-12-2009 at 12:00 AM.

  8. #8
    Sheven is offline Banned
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    losing the plot,remember?
    dont give hgh to youngsters. until they are 25 yrs old is useless and you do more harm than good.

  9. #9
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Right now, your brother's pulsing huge amounts of GH naturally. Take advantage of all of it and tell him to maximize his natural potential. Hang on to your money until his past puberty and has tapped out his natural potential with diet and training.

  10. #10
    ryan041386 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the advice guys and sorry for the late reply. i showed him this post and of course hes still on my ass... the kid thinks because he gets near perfect act scores he knows everything... now he wants me to ask if a small amount like 1 ui every other day would have negative reprucussions... hes telling me theres no way hes producing the maximum amount of gh is body can produce and therefore he wants to take a small dosage to ensure he is at maximum production rates? i kind of feel that what he is saying makes sense.

    would such a tiny amount bare the previously mentioned negative reprucussions?

  11. #11
    urbanbody's Avatar
    urbanbody is offline Member
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    Im glad you decided not to give to your bro wow. Even you at 24 is young. If your brother thinks he has a GH imbalance he should got to an Endo Doc.

  12. #12
    DCannon's Avatar
    DCannon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryan041386 View Post
    Thanks for the advice guys and sorry for the late reply. i showed him this post and of course hes still on my ass... the kid thinks because he gets near perfect act scores he knows everything... now he wants me to ask if a small amount like 1 ui every other day would have negative reprucussions... hes telling me theres no way hes producing the maximum amount of gh is body can produce and therefore he wants to take a small dosage to ensure he is at maximum production rates? i kind of feel that what he is saying makes sense.

    would such a tiny amount bare the previously mentioned negative reprucussions?
    1 iu every other day would be great if your brother is 65. If not it wont do a thing and might supress his own production. How does he know how much gh he's producing?

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