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  1. #1
    BrunkerVic is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Proposed rehabilitation cycle

    I am going in for arthroscopic surgery on my right shoulder to repair a severely torn labrum as well as to pin down my unstable biceps tendon.

    I have a strong rehabilitation program outlined, and once decent activity in the joint it attained, these substances sound like a good boost in joint strength/development.

    Deca -Durabloin (VERY low dose - 100-150mg/wk)
    Test Cyp (again low, just to account for the deca @ 200mg/wk)

    Again, a low dose of the IGF-1 and HGH, simply to aid in building a strong joint.

    Why IGF-1?

    "Also of note, and of special interest to both athletes and bodybuilders who are rehabbing an injury is that IGF is vital to the proper production of connective tissue, and exogenous IGF administration may improve collagen formation and aid in the repair of cartilage. (19)(18). IGF is also vital to proper bone density and bone density regulation (20).
    IGF administration may be highly useful for rehabilitation of any kind of joint injury experienced by athletes and bodybuilders, and would greatly decrease recovery time as well as increase the strength of the recovered area.

    there is also a note about gh's benefit on joint health/rehab in the steroid profiles section, and its known the two function well together.

    THE ONLY REASON I am skeptical is my age. I will be 22 when I plan this rehabilitating cycle. HGH is never to be used before atleast 25, but can an exception be made for this reason? and is there a minimum age for IGF-1?



  2. #2
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    IGF+HGH stimulate the formation of NEW muscles. AAS makes existing muscles bigger. Some athletes use IGF in specific muscle groups because they believe it helps develop coordination. I've also read a study that suggest that direct inject of IGF into the injured area will stimulate faster healing. Just recently I've been reading about positive pressure hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatment for joint injury. The theory is that the red blood cells are super saturated with pure oxygen which stimulate healing.

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