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  1. #1
    Username333 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010

    How long Does the release of HGH last after HIIT / Weightlifting Workout?

    Hey guys i was just wondering how long does HGH(Human Growth Hormone ) last after a HIIT(High Intense Interval Training) or a Weightlifting workout?

    First some background Information:
    Im 15 and 5'11
    weight lifted for over close to 2 years
    Height Goal is 6'2.
    So the question:

    I've heard that HGH during puberty in teens can help with growing taller. So, if Weight lifting and a HIIT workout gives off high levels of HGH, would that release of HGH help with getting taller?
    (During Deep Sleep , the pituitary gland releases HGH for bone strengthening/lengthening, So theoretically, could that boost of HGH increase the process of bone lengthening during Deep Sleep?)
    However, if the above stated does seem plausible, wouldn't it only work depending on how long the HGH would last from when it is released after a HIIT/Weight lifting workout?

    (I have no idea how long the released HGH would last. Anyone who knows this please tell)

    For Example: If after doing one of the aforementioned workout routine and the HGH released in the body would last for the time of 3 hours(Not sure about this, edit me if its wrong please), wouldn't i have to achieve deep sleep within the 3 hour time limit to get the benefit of the HGH released from the workout?
    (If this is all true, the problem is that if i do the workout at 4pm which i do, doesn't it mean i have to get in the deep sleep stage during 4 - 7 p.m. to get that benefit of the boost of HGH? )

    Lol, sorry for the long post but the question has just been eating me.
    Any response would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Username333 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010
    Help please.

  3. #3
    2jz_calgary's Avatar
    2jz_calgary is offline Senior Member
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    calgary alberta canada
    im not too sure about naturally released hgh, but i do know when you inject hgh it peaks in your blood about an hour after injecion and lasts another 2 -3 hours past that. Thats what ive read and have been told anyhow. Im sure someone else more knowledgable will chime in lol

  4. #4
    Username333 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010
    thanks for your input.
    hope more will reply and have some input.

  5. #5
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2009
    When you train you release more anabolic agents then HGH. HGH is pulsed throughout the day with the largest pulse during REM sleep. That's why it's said that you grow in your sleep. Lot's or sleep at your age is good for your growth. I hate to be the one to tell you that your genetic makeup will affect your height more than working out at 4pm. You're already 5'11" at 15 years old. You have another couple of years of puberty. There's a good chance you'll hit 6'2". My son grew 1" in 30 days when he was 16. You could do the same. Good luck.

  6. #6
    Username333 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard View Post
    When you train you release more anabolic agents then HGH. HGH is pulsed throughout the day with the largest pulse during REM sleep. That's why it's said that you grow in your sleep. Lot's or sleep at your age is good for your growth. I hate to be the one to tell you that your genetic makeup will affect your height more than working out at 4pm. You're already 5'11" at 15 years old. You have another couple of years of puberty. There's a good chance you'll hit 6'2". My son grew 1" in 30 days when he was 16. You could do the same. Good luck.
    Thanks for your input, but isn't HGH one of the anabolic agents?

  7. #7
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2009
    IGF is the anabolic agent. HGH causes IGF to be released.

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