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  1. #1
    davpet is offline New Member
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    Study : To Burn Fat Take HGH Before Bed

    "The combination of fasting and GH exposure translates into enhanced lipolysis"

  2. #2
    bigdog494 is offline Junior Member
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    i wish i new what this article said but i don't speak doctor language if any can translate into street terms please let me know what it says

  3. #3
    frawnz's Avatar
    frawnz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You realize pretty much the only time you're in a fasted state is when you wake up in the morning? So this medical journal is promoting the best use of HGH in the morning, not at night.

  4. #4
    frawnz's Avatar
    frawnz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigdog494 View Post
    i wish i new what this article said but i don't speak doctor language if any can translate into street terms please let me know what it says
    basically, it states that lipolysis (your body using fat stores as energy) increases when you take HGH during a fasted state. A fasted state is the period of time AFTER your body finishes digesting the last meal you ate.

    Also, I may be wrong here, but it appears that this study's fasting state was after a 37.5 hour fast, which would make it a pretty irrelevant study since normal people aren't going to go that long without eating and I would think is too strong a variable to determine whether it was the HGH increasing the lipolysis or the fact that you haven't eaten anything for a highly extended period of time.

    Hard to tell though as this is a pretty vague and limited medical study.

  5. #5
    bigdog494 is offline Junior Member
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    thanks frawnz . i felt like i was reading a doctors journal

  6. #6
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    In the A.M on an empty stomach. Then do cardio. How can you go wrong?

  7. #7
    davpet is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by frawnz View Post
    You realize pretty much the only time you're in a fasted state is when you wake up in the morning? So this medical journal is promoting the best use of HGH in the morning, not at night.
    When you wake up in the morning you're in a fasted state, but it's the end of the fast. The study is saying HGH during the entire fasting period equates to greater fat loss. Take it in the morning fine, but you'll only have an hour or so of fat burning, as the insulin you produce as soon as you eat will negate the HGH fat burning.

  8. #8
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    So how about 5iu at bedtime subQ and 5iu on waking IM?

  9. #9
    frawnz's Avatar
    frawnz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by davpet;51***39
    When you wake up in the morning you're in a fasted state, but it's the end of the fast. The study is saying HGH during the entire fasting period equates to greater fat loss. Take it in the morning fine, but you'll only have an hour or so of fat burning, as the insulin you produce as soon as you eat will negate the HGH fat burning.
    But at least you're in it. When you go to sleep you definitely are not, unless it has been a LONG time since you're last meal. Also, your body already produces the highest pulses of HGH while you sleep and all you'd really be doing is interupting the best natural HGH production that your body gives you. The best way to do it would be to inject first thing in the morning, as many of us do, and hold off on eating. I prep my injections the night before and set one of my alarm clocks to go off early so that I can wake up, quickly do my injection, and then go back to sleep until my normal wake-up time.

  10. #10
    cotton00 is offline New Member
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    How will coffee affect the fat burning? I usually wake up, have a cup or two of coffee, then go for a 5 mile run. Breakfast usually doesn't hit my stomach til I've been awake 2 hours or so.

  11. #11
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    I think the conclusion is the important thing to understand. I added the comments in the (). The way I read this study is that after the body has processed the last meal and goes into a state of fasting the HGH slows down cell death as well as new cell development. Fats are broken down and absorbed into the cells and used as energy. HGH users have known that HGH make one leaner. This study is verifying that empirical knowledge.

    The following is my personal opinion. My body processes carbs in about 4 to 6 hours. It processes proteins (steaks mostly) in about 8 hours. According to the study the best time to administer HGH for fat burning would after the last meal has been digested. So, if I ate my dinner at 7pm my body is in "fasting" state by 3am to 4am. I normally wake up at 4am and take HGH. Sometimes I go back to bed and other times I go do a workout. I get great results.

    Conclusion: The combination of fasting and GH exposure translates into enhanced lipolysis (fat is broken down and used for energy), reduced IGF-I (IGF-1 promotes results in adults) activity and insulin sensitivity (allows more glucose to enter cells for energy), and blunted activation of the JAK-STAT pathway (JAK/STAT pathway is the principal signaling mechanism for a wide array of growth factors. JAK activation stimulates cell proliferation, differentiation, cell migration and apoptosis(cell death). In other words, your cells don't develop or die as quickly). Whether this change in signaling activity is related to the change in MCR of GH and and/or the concomitant shift in the metabolic effects of GH merits future attention.

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