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  1. #1
    ramacher's Avatar
    ramacher is offline Member
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    Maximum amount of IUs in one sitting.

    What is the maximum amount of gh the body of a 24 year old can use and Bly waste at a time? It would be easier to do
    a single 4iu shot at once but I heard your body cannot handle that much at once. Feedback is greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    DCannon's Avatar
    DCannon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    4 iu's in one shot is fine.

  3. #3
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
    "Maximus" is offline Anabolic Member
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    If you have human grade hgh and you're trying to complement some fat burning along with your good dieting/exercise habits: (depending on your size --5'9, between 170-185 pounds and 15 - 20 % body fat--): I'd say to keep it between 3-3.5 ius per day. If you're doing hgh for other purposes, then 3ius may not be enough according to other's criteria of running hgh and if you're thinking on running it solo for its muscle building capabilites, don't run it alone.. If your body figures differ from the example I wrote above, do a slight body composition correction to those figures..

    Hgh is a waste of money if not done right and properly with a good diet/training course.


  4. #4
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    ramacher, what's your goal with HGH? HGH isn't for everyone depending on what you want to achieve. HGH for fat loss? There's cheaper and faster way to lose fat. Mainly diet and cardio. HGH for anabolic results? AAS is way cheaper and better for gaining muscularity. HGH for injury? Ok, I think it's good stuff for injury. What're you trying to get out of the HGH? You might be looking at an expensive program for something that might require a cheap/better solution.

  5. #5
    ramacher's Avatar
    ramacher is offline Member
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    Fat loss in particular. I am stacking with T4/Prop/Tren /Winstrol . I am 24 20 percent body fat. Diet is dead on and strict. I was reading somewhere it is better for your body to do two injections of 2IU instead of one injection 4IU because it raises your gh levels throughout the day instead of of just in the morning.

  6. #6
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Yes, 2iu/am and 2iu/pm is probably the better injection regiment. I've been on 5iu/ed for a couple of years and I have a good idea what I should feel like while on HGH. I got lazy so I started injecting 5iu all at once in the morning. I still feel great.

    20% body fat's a little high to be on AAS. Keep a watch out for sides. How's the fat loss coming? Doing cardio?

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