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  1. #1
    jason8455's Avatar
    jason8455 is offline Junior Member
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    May 2010

    thoughts on my insulin plan..

    Anyone have any thoughts on this.. about a month ago I started a new workout split and wanted to
    bring back the slin to get the most out of my HGH but how would you advise taking it. Before I was doing 10 iu's
    post workout with roughly 75 carbs (yes I know they say 10 for every iu's but that treated me well) would you recomend
    5 iu's after first workout and 5 iu's after second? Also previously I was drinking a carb shake but would 40-50 grams of fruit work?

    also just went to 5iu's hgh from 4iu's 5 on 2 off

    any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!!

    8:30 Cardio

    9 Protein food 50g (egg, Chicken, Turkey, Fish)
    Carb Food 35g (Oat,Rice,Sweet)

    11 Protein Food 50g (egg, Chicken, Turkey, Fish,Shake)
    Carb Food 35g (Oat,Rice,Sweet)

    12 Workout

    12:30 Protein Shake 46 wHEY
    Carb Food 60G (25 Pineapple) (35 Oat,Rice,Sweet) (insulin *)

    2 Protein Food 50g (egg, Chicken, Turkey, Fish,Shake)
    Carb Meal 35g (Oat,Rice,Sweet)

    3 Workout/Cardio

    4 Protein Shake 46g Whey
    Carb Meal 30g (30 Pineapple) (35 Fat) (Insulin-would have to take out fat if so)*

    6 Protein Meal 50g (egg, Chicken, Turkey, Fish,Shake)
    Carb Meal 35g (Oat,Rice,Sweet)

    8 Protein Meal 50g
    (14g Flax)

    10 Protein Shake 45g Casein

    Protein = 387
    Carbs = 230
    Fat = 73

  2. #2
    jason8455's Avatar
    jason8455 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2010
    no thoughts?

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