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  1. #1
    BeachBod909 is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2009

    how to inject IGF 1LR3

    Is it better to inject IGF IM or SubQ?? I've been injecting IGF Lr3 25mcgs once a day subQ in my stomach for past 3 days. Im new to IGF and was looking for some help. Also the Volume of injection is only a tweniteth of 1 cc. So IM would be harder to measure such a small amount.
    Last edited by BeachBod909; 06-25-2010 at 09:12 PM.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    for the few people who still recommend LR3, (I'm not one of them) it is recommended to inject it bi-laterally in the muscle just trained immediately post work out. I've never heard of anyone anywhere recommending injecting it sub q.

  3. #3
    BeachBod909 is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    for the few people who still recommend LR3, (I'm not one of them) it is recommended to inject it bi-laterally in the muscle just trained immediately post work out. I've never heard of anyone anywhere recommending injecting it sub q.
    I dont understand why the guy whom sold it to me. Would have told me take it like this. He seems to know what he is doing. The bottle says

    IGTROPIN Recombinant IGF-1 Long R3
    1.0mg /Vial i.m./i.h.
    Please help me understand this

  4. #4
    BeachBod909 is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2009
    Sorry to keep bumping this thread up just lookin for some answers. Every search I have done has lead me to debates over which is better. The IGF-1 or the IGF-1 lr3. A vast majority are saying the LR3 is wayyy better?? However your saying people dont recommend it. I just want to know which so I can throw this LR3 away or NOT? I have access to both please just let me know

  5. #5
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    There seem to be two school of thought on IGF-lr3. One side says it's crap. The other side says it works great. I've cycled it twice, 8 weeks each time. I was also on HGH 5iu/ed as well as Test. I got results but honestly, I don't know if it was the HGH or the Test or the IGF. I've read people talking about injecting IGF subq. The theory seems to be that IGF-lr3 has a longer active life then IGF-1 so injecting sub will allow the IGF-lr3 to circulate throughout the body and attach itself to the maximum amount of IGF receptors in the body. I think this theory is not as effective as injecting IM bi-laterally into the muscles worked. If you have IGF-lr3 alreay, just use it. The worse it will do is nothing. If it works for you great. If you didn't buy it use the money for AAS.

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