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  1. #1
    supe3's Avatar
    supe3 is offline Associate Member
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    HGH for growth, how long?

    For muscle growth I know from reading around that you need to be on at least 6ius a day and I'v seen people talk about being on up to 12ius a day(though I have never seen anyone talk about 12ius a day in detail, like a log to photos, results) My question is, when taking HGH for muscle growth do you need to take it for a longer period of time? longer then say, 6 months? If it should be taken longer then what should the minimum be for muscle growth?

    One more question, if diffrent AAS are good for bulking, others cutting, and others for strength. What category would HGH fit into?

  2. #2
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    I don't think HGH by itself is a good compound for muscle growth, taken by itself. I'm taking 5iu/ed with Test/Deca . Getting great results. If you want muscle growth in a short time (3 to 4 months) why not AAS? It cheaper, faster, and gives great results with little sides if done right.

  3. #3
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Before anyone advises you, we'll need to know your stats please.

  4. #4
    supe3's Avatar
    supe3 is offline Associate Member
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    I posted my stats a couple days ago, I didnt know I needed to do It again, Sorry bro. here you go

    Im 30YO, im 6'1 and 215lbs 11-12% BF Never cycled before. I am on HRT year round, Test and GH, for the last 4+ years now. anything else you need to know?

  5. #5
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Always re-post stats. Especially since your new. Not everyone on the board has seen your last thread...

    Once your around more often, people will start to remember your stats.

    6 months is a good duration. Between 6-8ius

  6. #6
    supe3's Avatar
    supe3 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the quick reply man, that's awesome, I am putting together a cycle and I have been reading up on Everything I can find, I saw this post by marcus,
    "Thyroid Hormone + Growth Hormone by Anthony Roberts with James Daemon, Ph.D."
    With all the negative stuff everyone has to say about Anthony Roberts is what he has to say in this correct or what?

    Attached is my cycle so far

  7. #7
    supe3's Avatar
    supe3 is offline Associate Member
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    forgot to add in my cycle
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails HGH for growth, how long?-1.gif  

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    That's a strange cycle. How'd you come up with that cycle?

  9. #9
    supe3's Avatar
    supe3 is offline Associate Member
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    I dont think its all that strange, its really just a test, dbol , HGH cycle, but I am on HRT. Is their something else you found strange about it?

  10. #10
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    100mg of Test is very low. Then you increase it to 600mg. Then your lower it again. Fluctuation in Test level is not a good idea. Your blood concentration level is thrown off. I take 250iu of HCG twice a week while on cycle. Stop HCG when you're resting and PCT. The HGH ramp looks ok. Why the increments in the IU like 1.2iu. Just start with 2iu/ed or 3iu/ed and increase by 1iu every week to 10 days depending on how you feel. You're tapering HGH back to 1.2iu. HGH is a long term use compound if you're only going to take it for 12 weeks it'll be a waste of your money. HGH is best taken everyday, if you can afford it for at least 6 months to a year. You're taking dbol on week 8. Dbol is for front loading. Test E is a long ester Test. It'll take 4 to 5 weeks for it to take effect. You should take the dbol for the first 4 weeks until the Test E kicks in. For your first cycle just keep things simple. Test E 500mg/wk, 250mg every 3.5 days for 12 weeks, rest 21 days, PCT with Nolvadex and Clomid. If you get side effects you can troubleshoot. Save the dbol for the next cycle.

  11. #11
    inevitable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by supe3 View Post
    One more question, if different AAS are good for bulking, others cutting, and others for strength. What category would HGH fit into?
    rHGH has nothing to do with AAS... but to answer ur question, ALL of the above dose dependent

  12. #12
    supe3's Avatar
    supe3 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks man, I know its not an AAS, was just looking for an equivalent to AAS, Thanks for the answer

  13. #13
    inevitable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by supe3 View Post
    Thanks man, I know its not an AAS, was just looking for an equivalent to AAS, Thanks for the answer
    Not a problem brother...
    Now as for any work Anthony Roberts puts his name to has most likely been done by someone else. Not to say that something he writes can't be correct, but that it is in all probability NOT something he figured out via his own "research". I'd recommend seeking other legitimate sources of information before paying heed to anything that douchebag says...

  14. #14
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    Also here is a good read that was posted back 2006 on hgh..

  15. #15
    supe3's Avatar
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    yeah, I did read RB's stuff, it was all very good reading, the reason I was asking about anthony roberts article was because I did not know anything about running any kind of thyroid medication with HGH, and after reading it I was thinking maybe I should now.

  16. #16
    supe3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    100mg of Test is very low. Then you increase it to 600mg. Then your lower it again. Fluctuation in Test level is not a good idea. Your blood concentration level is thrown off. I take 250iu of HCG twice a week while on cycle. Stop HCG when you're resting and PCT. The HGH ramp looks ok. Why the increments in the IU like 1.2iu. Just start with 2iu/ed or 3iu/ed and increase by 1iu every week to 10 days depending on how you feel. You're tapering HGH back to 1.2iu. HGH is a long term use compound if you're only going to take it for 12 weeks it'll be a waste of your money. HGH is best taken everyday, if you can afford it for at least 6 months to a year. You're taking dbol on week 8. Dbol is for front loading. Test E is a long ester Test. It'll take 4 to 5 weeks for it to take effect. You should take the dbol for the first 4 weeks until the Test E kicks in. For your first cycle just keep things simple. Test E 500mg/wk, 250mg every 3.5 days for 12 weeks, rest 21 days, PCT with Nolvadex and Clomid. If you get side effects you can troubleshoot. Save the dbol for the next cycle.
    I think you got my cycle all wrong some how man, I'm not sure that you get the idea that I am on HRT year round, and that the numbers at the top of the cycle are MONTHS, not weeks, I will be doing a cycle of HGH (7.8ius for 7 months) for 10 months, with the test E being kicked up to 600mgs in month 8-10 for 12 weeks with a dbol front load for the first month with the test E
    I hope that this maybe makes things look a little diffrent for you now, let me know what you think man.

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