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  1. #1
    a_bower's Avatar
    a_bower is offline Junior Member
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    Quick one about CJC and GHRP-6

    Hi , new to the site so i appreciate any help.

    Ok about to order some of the above and wondering how i should fit it in around my day.
    Firstly there is no way that i could manage to pin this 3 times a day at 5 hour intervals, i cant bring pins to work its just not happening.
    Currently Lifting 4 Days per week, which of these options would be best for training days:

    Wake - 7:45 am (100mcg CJC + 150mcg GHRP-6)
    Breakfast - 8:00 am
    Train - 9 am - 10 am
    Work - 11 am - 7 pm
    (Dinner) - 8pm
    Sleep - 10:30pm (100mcg CJC + 150mcg GHRP-6)


    Wake - 7:45 am
    Breakfast - 8 am
    Train - 9 am - 10 am
    Post Training - 10:30am (100mcg CJC + 150mcg GHRP-6)
    Work - 11 am - 7 pm
    (Dinner) - 8pm
    Sleep - 10:30pm (100mcg CJC + 150mcg GHRP-6)

    On 2 of my non training days i should be able to manage 3 shots/day. But ive pretty much got no choice on training days so what do you guys suggest.


  2. #2
    DCannon's Avatar
    DCannon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Alberta, Canada
    Welcome to the forum.

    How old are you?
    How long are you planning on running these?
    What are your goals with these peptides?

  3. #3
    a_bower's Avatar
    a_bower is offline Junior Member
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    Squat Rack
    Hi there, thanks for the welcome

    16% BF
    238 lbs
    Been lifting for 4 years
    Supplementing 4 years
    Dieting well for 1 year

    Basically my main aim is to put on more lean muscle mass. Although i am attracted to the fat loss properties of peptides also.
    I know that peptides dont give you much mass but i was willing to give them a try to begin with as i have never run a course of anobolics before. I felt like they could be a good start for me to get used to pinning myself and handling them etc.

    I am also inclined to run a mild course of cypionate which i may do first, but i dont want to lose too much definition which is equally important to me.

  4. #4
    a_bower's Avatar
    a_bower is offline Junior Member
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    Have ordered some test Cyp for myself and a mate. So atm not going to commence GHRP and CJC.
    I will be posting further questions in relation to my test cycle in the proper area. So if anyone is interested (probably not, lol) it will be in there.

    Thanks for the help ya’ll

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