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  1. #1
    the judge is offline New Member
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    hgh trafficking?

    when bringing gh back from a different country(US-Can)at what point do they consider it trafficking?it is for personal use for myself and i would like to bring back at least a yrs worth(12kits)if i was to get caught would that be considered trafficking?i know its not illelgal in canada but there is a fine line just wondering if anybody has experience with this situation besides them just seizeing it and losing all your $.

  2. #2
    vettewreck is offline Banned
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    Anything and everything is illegal in America if you dont have a Rx for it. Its no different than if you had pain pills without a Rx. Basically a felony charge. Not good. And 12 kits imo would be trafficing and intent to distribute. 2 felonys right there plus whatever the douchebag cop feels like tacking on.

  3. #3
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    Performance enhancing steroids , I believe HGH is under that list, under controlled substance act of the US is listed on the same level as codeine, hydrocodone, dihydrocodeine, ethylmorphine, opium, and morphine. These are pretty serious drugs. If you get caught with any of them, at customs especially, you will have a very bad day. You will spend a long time and a lot of money to defend yourself. All the money you could have used for gear will go into the pocket of your defense attorney. You will most likely be put of probation for up to three years, will take years to wear off the stigma of your rap sheet, the gov can take away your passport, if convicted you will have less job opportunities, and you will be flagged as a potential risk across the border. For 12 kits of HGH? The risk is so much higher than the reward. I recommend you just mail it to yourself and disregard any knowledge if the shipment is seized. Crossing customs with controlled substance is nothing to be trifled with.

  4. #4
    the judge is offline New Member
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    ya done the mail thing keep gettin seized..........lost thousands already customs had sent me a letter stating that its not illelgal just get a script if i want to pick up my pkg.i assumed if i pick it up myself which my friends have already done if they caught it they would just take it and i would loose im talking on the canadain side also.

  5. #5
    vettewreck is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by the judge View Post
    ya done the mail thing keep gettin seized..........lost thousands already customs had sent me a letter stating that its not illelgal just get a script if i want to pick up my pkg.i assumed if i pick it up myself which my friends have already done if they caught it they would just take it and i would loose im talking on the canadain side also.
    Thats bc your address is red flagged. Once a certain addy has had a seizure, that addy is redflagged. You need a new shipping addy with a new name.

  6. #6
    the judge is offline New Member
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    ya im keen to the address change............this is several different addies ive used and most the time gets seized.

  7. #7
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    are you in canada or the states??? If i were you i would put different labels on the bottles that say it is like some kind of chinese medicine or something.. the people at customs will be too stupid to realize it is not.. they will read the label that will say "Dandelion Pollen" or "powdered lizard testicles" some other stupid crap and assume that is what it is.. just come up with some "chinese medical breakthrough" excuse and talk your way through it.. they will have no idea that it is HGH, at worst they will break one open just to make sure it is not heroin or coke..

    just get some legit labels made online from one of the million companies on the internet and get a couple hundred labels for like 50 bucks.. problem solved

  8. #8
    the judge is offline New Member
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    great idea........ill see what i can come up with.actually had them shipped without labels and pkgd as beauty products before and customs had them tested and came back as somatropin and sezied em and sent me a letter saying to get a script if i wanted to pick them in canada... very close to getting my doctor to wright me a script but hes scared he might lose his license.hes waiting on this new experimental drug you inject sub-Q that suppose to raise gh and ill be the guinea pig when it comes in.supposed to be $80 a month but might be BS.

  9. #9
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    Machine has a great idea. You might just be able to repackage it and label it as bovine vitamins. Try a small shipment and see if it works. Just send it somewhere other then your flagged address. It'll be interesting to see if that works. I've brought Anavar in by having my source put it in a creatine bottle and label it as a sample.

  10. #10
    the judge is offline New Member
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    im not talkin about having it delivered im picking it up myself in the states and bringing it back to canada.a friend of mine got caught with 7k worth a while back and all they did was seize it from definately not bringing anything close to that back just curious if anybody else had any experiences.

  11. #11
    dtrain000 is offline Associate Member
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    Here is an idea order HGH domestic. Shipping is days and no customs bullshit.

  12. #12
    Roided-srt4 is offline New Member
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    Last edited by PT; 01-28-2011 at 01:30 PM. Reason: fishing

  13. #13
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    ^^^ asking for source leads is not allowed.....might want to edit your post...thanks!
    and Welcome

  14. #14
    X83's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vettewreck View Post
    Thats bc your address is red flagged. Once a certain addy has had a seizure, that addy is redflagged. You need a new shipping addy with a new name.
    Good to know.

  15. #15
    JimInAK's Avatar
    JimInAK is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dtrain000 View Post
    Here is an idea order HGH domestic. Shipping is days and no customs bullshit.
    I've heard that customs in Canada is very tough. If you can order local the problem is solved.

  16. #16
    sgt2jay's Avatar
    sgt2jay is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    is this red flag for Canada or would i get that as well in U.S.

  17. #17
    the judge is offline New Member
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    either way...............they keep seizeing even when we used different addies its a 50/50 shot.

  18. #18
    the judge is offline New Member
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    also ordering locally is edit, no price talk

  19. #19
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    Quote Originally Posted by sgt2jay View Post
    is this red flag for Canada or would i get that as well in U.S.
    all countries do this.. everything is done by computers and machines nowadays and they red flag addresses with previous seizures.

  20. #20
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Thats the risk you take, eventually some will get through

  21. #21
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Edit your post no price talk is allowed keep it to pms.

  22. #22
    the judge is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Edit your post no price talk is allowed keep it to pms.

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