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  1. #1
    RoachForLife19 is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2006

    Prepping for IGF1 bloodtest, quick help

    I actually posted this within another thread here but though I might get a better response on its own thread.

    Basically Ive been throttling up to 6iu per day (7days a week) since September 1st. My test is tomorrow around 11am, and while I normally pin just once a day at 630am, I think tomorrow I will pin around 9am so its closer to the bloodtest draw.

    Anything Im missing or does this jive? Also I still have the option of getting additional testing done at the same time (such as GH Serum), any need to do so?

    Thanks all

  2. #2
    RoachForLife19 is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2006
    Actually along the same lines, I did have a day or two where I went to 7iu after questioning how effective what Ive been using is. Id like to not skew the results, so does it make more sense to have a good 7days under my belt of 6iu before being tested? Rather, so I know the numeric value represents 6iu of the GH as opposed to possibly 7

    Hope that makes sense. Im sure Im overthinking this, but want to be sure its right


  3. #3
    DCannon's Avatar
    DCannon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I think you are overthinking it.

    No matter what time you draw your blood work, your igf-1 level should be very high at 6iu.

    It drops slowly during the day but not to baseline. Basically, it's like swating a baloon in the air each time it gets to your shoulder height. You keep your levels elevated with each injection but they don't drop that low.

  4. #4
    RoachForLife19 is offline Associate Member
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    Yeh I think my time of day is okay, but my second question was about relating the amt I take to the numeric value the bloodwork gives me. I want to be sure that a value of XXX is at XYZ iu. So I was thinking of having a consistent 7days of 6iu to ensure it really is 6, and not 6.5, or 7. Make sense?

    For the record Ive been throttling in 1iu increments every 3 weeks. Ive been at 6ius since 1/1 but increase to 7 this last Sunday and Monday.

  5. #5
    DCannon's Avatar
    DCannon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    After 7 days at 6iu's your level should be noticably higher than say someone at 3iu.

    I think the way you are doing it is fine.

  6. #6
    RoachForLife19 is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2006
    got my results back, def lower than I would have hoped.

    Result was 464ng/mL
    This was done about 1.5hours after my pin in the morning.

    Also to note Ive been ramping up to 6iu/day (7days) with 3weeks per iu
    Week 1-3 1iu/day
    Week 4-6 2iu/day

    I am now at 6iu/day in a single shot in the morning

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