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  1. #1
    PrOjEcT GH is offline New Member
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    Feb 2011

    Diary of an HG Newb

    Started HG 9 days ago, 3 i.u./day taken upon waking in the morning. Started a prop. cycle 6 days ago and will run it 9-12 weeks. 5'10" 166 and lean upon start of cycle. Now at 173. Abs are tight, getting bigger already, have gained 7 pounds. Pumps are immense.

    I am 48 years old, and last ran a cycle of aas about a decade ago. I've decided it's time to halt the aging process and get some size at the same time.

    I write this as a reference source so readers can get a 'real world' results perspective from an average guy.

  2. #2
    38jumper38's Avatar
    38jumper38 is offline Senior Member
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    good to know,
    hgh farma grade or china?

  3. #3
    PrOjEcT GH is offline New Member
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    It's farma grade, will update post with specifics. Don't have the data at hand atm.. Nice avatar by the way!

  4. #4
    DCannon's Avatar
    DCannon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    X2 on the avatar jumper. I love Jamie Eason!

  5. #5
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Welcome to the HGH forum!

  6. #6
    38jumper38's Avatar
    38jumper38 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCannon View Post
    X2 on the avatar jumper. I love Jamie Eason!
    I'm on hgh too, and the dreams its been a blast, couldn't dream with her yet, don't know why. Maybe one day.

  7. #7
    PrOjEcT GH is offline New Member
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    BTW, my gf has started hg @ 1iu/day. She's 5'2", weighs about 110, is in great shape, hard as a rock, doesn't lift weights, but does aerobic/step classes 3/wk. I was advised that she should have a couple of quality scoops of protein before bed at night. Any other considerations? She's 40 years old [asian] if that matters. Oh, and she's gorgeous. Heehee.

  8. #8
    38jumper38's Avatar
    38jumper38 is offline Senior Member
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    ON gold standard 100% CASEIN protein, 1 scoop before bed time.

  9. #9
    PrOjEcT GH is offline New Member
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    Using Regena-Tropin.

  10. #10
    PrOjEcT GH is offline New Member
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    If anyone has personal experience [not from reading literature or other's posts], how many months did it take for the wellness/anti-aging aspects of of HG to become noticeable?

  11. #11
    PrOjEcT GH is offline New Member
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    Update: 2 weeks tomorrow on 3 i.u./day & day 10 of Prop 1 c.c. every 4th day. Weight has sustained itself at 173, up from 166. Strength is gaining. Lifting heavier. Joints feel stronger and capable of handling more weight. Had been struggling for 185 x 7 reps on bench. Now doing 205 x 6-7 reps. Squats climbing quickly. Abs are tight and am carrying no water. Six pack is clearly in place. Veins in lower abs and hip area are clearly visible. The pumps are amazing. Not pigging out on junk and keeping diet tight. Taking in about 160 gm. protein /day. Keeping carbs moderate and fats low. Energy levels are great. Mood excellent. More veins coming to the fore on arms and shoulders. Also noticing more muscle on upper pecs. So far so good!!! I was concerned about some water retention and a bit of bloat a few days ago but that has subsided.

  12. #12
    Markosterone is offline Member
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    are you using Testosteron Propionate every 4th day ? if you do, thats bad.

  13. #13
    kev123 is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah mate test prop is a short ester and is in and out your system really fast so should be taken everyday or everyother day max anything over that would be just like starting the cycle all over again me personally find everyday better and inject it about 30-45 min before train gives me real good aggression in the gym good luck mate

  14. #14
    PrOjEcT GH is offline New Member
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    Day 20: up to 175 llbs from 166 on Day 1. Hard as a rock. Growing like crazy. Abs are still lean and defined. No bloating. Lifting heavier and my endurance is incredible. Doing split routines as much as possible, i.e. 1/2 workout in a.m. and other half in the evening. Still on prop every 4th day/ 3i.u./day of GH. Thanks all for the input on prop intake/regulation. I need to revisit that option. :-]]

  15. #15
    PrOjEcT GH is offline New Member
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    Okay, time to go eod. Thanks for the tip!!
    Quote Originally Posted by kev123 View Post
    Yeah mate test prop is a short ester and is in and out your system really fast so should be taken everyday or everyother day max anything over that would be just like starting the cycle all over again me personally find everyday better and inject it about 30-45 min before train gives me real good aggression in the gym good luck mate

  16. #16
    PrOjEcT GH is offline New Member
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    DAY 23: Still 3 i.u./day. eod on prop now. weight is up to 176 from 166. still hard and lean. 10 pounds and no loss of vascularity. Veins popping out in low abs upper hips. Veins thickening in arms. Pumps good. Getting stronger. Face has filled in quite a bit [it needed it...too lean with high cheekbones].

  17. #17
    Joker1967 is offline New Member
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    Please read our rules before posting again *admin*

  18. #18
    amar7 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PrOjEcT GH View Post
    If anyone has personal experience [not from reading literature or other's posts], how many months did it take for the wellness/anti-aging aspects of of HG to become noticeable?
    I'd say 4-6wks, but there is no rule, because every body composition is different.

    Don't understand how the TS writes about effectiveness after 9 days and even muscle mass growth?!

  19. #19
    amar7 is offline Junior Member
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    Been using 4-5IU ed of GH for about 6weeks and expecting mass from HGH is plainly wrong. I have lost a bit of fat, which looks better, but I didn't gain much mass. Until now I have to say that GH is pretty overpriced as a fat loss agent and disapointing in mass building. Using t3; testo prop and winstrol with it, all genuine stuff

    Instead I got things I didn't expect, like slightly elevated well-being/mood, skin irritation and the most amazing thing, that it healed a big wound I had from an operation, which is almost 5 months ago

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