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Thread: Kugtropin?

  1. #1
    JoeUga07's Avatar
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    Hi all,

    Has anyone heard of, or better yet have experience with, a type of gh called kigtropin? Im pretty sure its a chinese brand, but dont know if its ug, pharma, or anything else. I see a lot of folks saying much of the gh from china is crap, and worse dangerous. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    JoeUga07's Avatar
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    sorry btw, headline should say kigtropin not kugtropin

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
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    It's Chinese generic, its not pharm grade. Personally I wouldn't have it if it was free.

  4. #4
    signal7's Avatar
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    A lot of the Kigtropin out there is fake, but if you can get the real Kigs then you'll be fine. My first couple of kits were Kigs and I was very happy with the results I got from them. I'd easily go back to them if my source lost his access to pharm grade hgh or if I get to a point where I can't afford pharm grade anymore. As with any thing though only buy and use them if you have a source you know well and can trust. If you're trying to buy Kigs off a website it's likely that it's the fake stuff. Good luck mate.

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    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by signal7 View Post
    A lot of the Kigtropin out there is fake, but if you can get the real Kigs then you'll be fine. My first couple of kits were Kigs and I was very happy with the results I got from them. I'd easily go back to them if my source lost his access to pharm grade hgh or if I get to a point where I can't afford pharm grade anymore. As with any thing though only buy and use them if you have a source you know well and can trust. If you're trying to buy Kigs off a website it's likely that it's the fake stuff. Good luck mate.
    Can u explain in more detail what 'real kigs' are?

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    JoeUga07's Avatar
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    thanks for the input folks

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    JoeUga07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by signal7 View Post
    A lot of the Kigtropin out there is fake, but if you can get the real Kigs then you'll be fine. My first couple of kits were Kigs and I was very happy with the results I got from them. I'd easily go back to them if my source lost his access to pharm grade hgh or if I get to a point where I can't afford pharm grade anymore. As with any thing though only buy and use them if you have a source you know well and can trust. If you're trying to buy Kigs off a website it's likely that it's the fake stuff. Good luck mate.
    Thanks Signal. Do you know how to tell if the kigs are real or fake by looking at them?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Can u explain in more detail what 'real kigs' are?
    I only say "real kigs" because even though there are many scammers out there trying to pawn off vials of HCG and similar compounds as real HGH there are real versions of the HGH that is being imitated. Kigtropin like many other Chinese HGH brands have been a victim of this, but that doesn't mean the real Kigtropin kits are not out there. The actual lab making Kigtropin might be in China and not held to as high of a standard, but that doesn't mean what they are producing isn't HGH. It's just usually not on par with the pharmacy grade HGH made in the states, Canada, and parts of Europe.

    Quote Originally Posted by JoeUga07 View Post
    Thanks Signal. Do you know how to tell if the kigs are real or fake by looking at them?
    Sadly I feel that just looking at a vial or package is not really enough to tell if a HGH kit is real or fake, but I can tell you what my experience has been with "hands on" kits of Kigs I've encountered.

    The first batch I got was from a source that competes as an amateur bodybuilder who I've known for over a decade. I had asked him about HGH and AAS over the years, but never took the leap and gave them a try till about 8 months ago. He steered me towards Kigtropin by telling me his experience with them and advising me to research them myself a bit and decide if I wanted to try them or not. I read a lot of mixed things about them, but most of the good things I was reading about them seemed to come from experienced people who knew what they were talking about.(Some are respected members of this site)

    Anyhow.....the kits he provided me with were very professional looking and well sealed. That kit as well as every other kit of Kigtropin I have bought from him had "blue tops" on the vitals with "Kigtropin" engraved on the tops. The vials all had professional labels with batch numbers and expiration dates (yes I know all this can easily be faked, but bare with me here). The powder inside the vials all broke down slowly when reconstituted with no clumps or lumps and became perfectly clear within three to four minutes. I started taking them at 1IU ED and worked my way up to 4IUs ED over the course of a month and stayed at 4IUs ED since for the next 4 months till I switched to Pharmacy grade and went down to 2IUs ED (I'm not looking to gain any more mass as I'm not a bodybuilder).

    Within two weeks I noticed my skin seemed tighter and more smooth and I was having the vivid dreams many users talk about. About a month in I notice my nails seemed to be growing amazingly fast and needed to be trimmed almost weekly. At about the seven week mark I noticed I was dropping body fast much faster than I had been over the last six months with just lifting, cardio, and a clean diet, even though I prolly had a few more cheat meals than I was use to. I started the Kigs wanting to get down from my current 16% to around 10% percent body faster than it had taken me to get from 21% to the 16% which at 34 seemed to happen very slow considering amount of work and dieting I was putting in. By week 12 I was at 12% body fat, taken by personal trainer at my gym using body fat calipers, and I honestly know I had been slacking in the cardio department more than in the past despite taking in the same amount of calories per day.

    By this time I also had my brother and a work friend taking them as well both with similar results. So while I never had my levels tested or sent any of the Kigtropin HGH out to be tested I feel it was the real deal.

    About two months ago my work friend told me he found a site online that sold the Kigs for about half of what it costs me to get them from my source and that he had ordered 3 boxes. I had switched to Pharm grade by this point since my source had landed a contact in the medical field who could get Pharmacy grade stuff, but told him to let me know how he made out.

    A little over a week later he showed me what he had been sent and it was very suspicious in my opinion. The Kigtropin box was very off colored and the print was at a slight angle on two sides of the box. It was also very poorly wrapped in some kind of homemade plastic shrink wrap material. The vials themselves had black tops on them with no engraving and seemed very thin and flimsy compared to the ones found on my source's Kigs. The labeling on the vials did not look out of place print wise, but the labels did not stick well to the vial and a couple were practically falling off.

    Add all this to the fact that the first two bottles we reconstituted did not dissolve totally and were cloudy in appearance and we came to decision that this stuff was likely fake and that he should not take it. He argued with the site he bought it off of which eventually told him he could send the two unopened kits back and they would replaced them, but insisted the kits were authentic. The two replacement kits he got weeks later were better packaged, but reconstituted in the same manor so he trashed them just went back to buying Kigs off of my source.

    So........after all that I can't really tell you that you'd be able to look at a kit of Kigs and just be like "Oh yeah, those are the real deal" or "Those are so fake!" All I can advise is to only get gear from a source you trust and keep a close eye on your results and side effects while taking it. If you think something might be off with the gear your supplied don't risk your health on it.

    Best of luck lads
    Last edited by signal7; 03-24-2011 at 08:29 PM. Reason: grammar

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    JoeUga07's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the great info Signal! I def appreciate it

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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeUga07 View Post
    Thanks for all the great info Signal! I def appreciate it
    No problem mate.

    That's a great thread that definitely has many valid points that everyone should read, but I don't think people should read it and use that info alone to make their decision about what HGH is safe. Xtralarg himself claimed to be using Kigs one month prior to creating that thread and was "really pleased" with them.

    I just think that if people don't have access to or the funds needed to get Pharmacy grade HGH there are options they can explore if they are safe about it.

  12. #12
    jz1985 is offline New Member
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    just make sure the caps have kigtropin engraved in them and you will be fine. I am currently using 5ius a day rite now with amazing results.

  13. #13
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by signal7 View Post
    No problem mate.

    That's a great thread that definitely has many valid points that everyone should read, but I don't think people should read it and use that info alone to make their decision about what HGH is safe. Xtralarg himself claimed to be using Kigs one month prior to creating that thread and was "really pleased" with them.

    I just think that if people don't have access to or the funds needed to get Pharmacy grade HGH there are options they can explore if they are safe about it.
    Xrtalag - hasn't been on lately but he did report to me that they turned out to be crap and sent his BP through the roof plus many other sides what worried him. At first he did get results or thats what he thought but again turned out to be some chemical rubbish.

    Alot of people dont fully understand what gh is suppose to do because they have never had pharm grade but trust me once you have used pharm grade the difference is outstanding, also many use Chinese gh along side aas and they have no idea what is giving them results.

    For me if the lab isn't licenced I wouldn't buy it, and I wouldn't use Kigs if they were free

    Ive given up in trying to explain but the above thread more or less sums its all up, if your happy you carry on your body, but you should never forget who your dealing with here, the biggest counterfeit country in the world who push out poison to their own people.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by signal7 View Post
    No problem mate.

    That's a great thread that definitely has many valid points that everyone should read, but I don't think people should read it and use that info alone to make their decision about what HGH is safe. Xtralarg himself claimed to be using Kigs one month prior to creating that thread and was "really pleased" with them.

    I just think that if people don't have access to or the funds needed to get Pharmacy grade HGH there are options they can explore if they are safe about it.
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Xrtalag - hasn't been on lately but he did report to me that they turned out to be crap and sent his BP through the roof plus many other sides what worried him. At first he did get results or thats what he thought but again turned out to be some chemical rubbish.

    Alot of people dont fully understand what gh is suppose to do because they have never had pharm grade but trust me once you have used pharm grade the difference is outstanding, also many use Chinese gh along side aas and they have no idea what is giving them results.

    For me if the lab isn't licenced I wouldn't buy it, and I wouldn't use Kigs if they were free

    Ive given up in trying to explain but the above thread more or less sums its all up, if your happy you carry on your body, but you should never forget who your dealing with here, the biggest counterfeit country in the world who push out poison to their own people.
    I did use Kigtropin for a while and like many many other people I was fooled by the Chinese counterfeit masters! They managed to somehow recreate the sides associated with hgh, however whilst doing this also caused some horrific sides that were life threatening. My BP went up to 200/120 with a pulse of 100 bpm during rest! I was carrying approx 30lbs of access water and I WAS NOT USING ANY AAS! I was told by my doctor to stop using the Kigs asap as my life was in danger, once I did my BP slowly returned to an acceptable level and my weight dropped back to my usual ammount.

    I would like to agree very strongly with Marcus and advise anyone using such poor quality Chinese rubbish to stop asap, you are putting sh1t into your bodies and are being fooled. You have been warned! I have been using hgh for about 15 years and I have seen many changes during this time. As things stand now the only gh worth using is pharm grade from licenced labs.

    jing jai

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