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    slimshady01's Avatar
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    HGH and Heart Rate

    Well i have been on riptropin 3iu ED for a little over 2 weeks.

    Ive noticed a few days after taking that my heart rate was elevated. Around 90-100 beats just walking around at work. One time i got out of bed in the morning started taking a shower and it went up to 140.. WTF?

    So i stopped taking the hgh for the last 24 hours and im back to 72-84. "74 as i write this".

    Now before people tell me the GH is bunk let me tell you a little history about me and my HR.

    When i took my first Pro hormone cycle BOLD200 a few years back this elevated my rate and did the same thing. I almost stopped taking but didnt and it eventually went down.

    Then i did my first real cycle this last december.. Test and Var and it raised my rate as well. It stopped as well for the most part but came back here and there.

    So something do to with putting exgenous hormones into my body seems to raise my rate.

    Im going to go one more day to see if my heart stays the same, if it does, I will then try the GH again. If it goes back up it will seem conclusive its the GH.

    I will then have to quit or try splitting my 3ui to 1.5 2x a day and see if that works.

    Any sugesstions?

  2. #2
    wmaousley's Avatar
    wmaousley is offline American Bedoo
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    I personally havent ever heard of anyone having an elevated heart rate on GH, but stranger things have happened. I think you are doing great IMO with the strategy your taking.

    Lets see if one of the long time GH users will chime in.

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Your gh is Chinese crap, I wouldn't use it if I was you. My friend had the same complication and after 3 months being on these crap generic his BP went through the roof and his HR was over 100 at resting! be very careful. Only buy from a licenced lab in future

  4. #4
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Thanks guys.

    One good thing my BP has been perfect, I checked it about 3 times and it was like 110-120 over 60-65 each time.

    I wish I could afford real pharma gh. If this doesn't turn out good I'll just have to stay off hgh unless I win the lottery.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
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    You need to find a licenced lab that's all and not one of these second rate labs. Don't use the gh you got its full if harmful chemicals.

  6. #6
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Its weird because I know a lot of people using rips and they all love. They have all the classic sides and swear the fat is melting off them.

    Only sides I had were slight tingling of hands and feet, joints in legs were sore and I had some weird dreams the nights I would take the GH before bed,

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Dont be another one who is fooled.

  8. #8
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Your gh is Chinese crap, I wouldn't use it if I was you. My friend had the same complication and after 3 months being on these crap generic his BP went through the roof and his HR was over 100 at resting! be very careful. Only buy from a licenced lab in future
    Exactly what happened to me, my doctor said it was one of the highest BPs he had ever seen....

    Agreed, get rid....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  9. #9
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Well test makes my heart rate go up to but I can deal with
    It for a few months. This on the other hand I would run long term and don't want my heart beating that fast that long.

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
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    It starts with an increased heart beat then after some time your bp will rise to a dangerous level, IMHO stay off it its garbage.

  11. #11
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Thanks guys

  12. #12
    cyounger100's Avatar
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    my heart rate had been elevated also i am goin too stop the rips today i pinned last nite i am goin too stop and see if my hr goes down i think it could be the test im on but we shall see

  13. #13
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyounger100 View Post
    my heart rate had been elevated also i am goin too stop the rips today i pinned last nite i am goin too stop and see if my hr goes down i think it could be the test im on but we shall see
    Test did it to me as well. But like i said it seems to get used to the test and come back down after a while.

    the rips was making my heart sky rocket, when i was doing cardio after a workout I would walk on the mill at a 4.0 and i would be at 150 BPM.

    Yesterday being back to normal I would only be at 115 120, I would run at a 6 and only get to a 140bpm.

    Like i said I got no idea if its real or not. Hell it could be that it is real seeing that anytime I put any other exgenous hormones in my body this seems to happen.

    Hell, when I run EC stack my heart doesnt even really jump that high.

    But in the end I think its better to listen to marcus and go Licensed lab.

  14. #14
    cyounger100's Avatar
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    i agree i pinned last monday night and today when i go too gym i will no if its the test doin it or the rips

  15. #15
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Let us know!

  16. #16
    cyounger100's Avatar
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    just got back my BP was 120 over 75 which is good i havent pinned rips since monday evening and my HR is still at lower 90s high 80s when i walk on treadmill it gets too 110 easily so i am assuming its safe too say it is the test that is doin it considering the gh is out of my system

  17. #17
    marcus300's Avatar
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    I would give it longer than a few days, the chemicals they are putting in their hgh are very dangerous and can last a long time in the system. Ive seen this first and sceond hand you will need to wait at least a month or so or thats what it took for other bp to reduce and HR.

    If your happy with your hgh keep on it, but why even risk it with a 2nd rate lab is beyond me, best of luck and if you keep on it keep checking your HR and BP. If its the same chemical crap what is being pushed out of China your BP will slowly go up in the nest few weeks and months to a very dangerous level.

  18. #18
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    I woudnt be suprised that if I went licensed lab HGH that my heart rate might still go up. Since its done it with me with every PH i took and my test cycle it just seems its how my body reacts to any hormones.

    I wish someone had the money and the resource to check rips. This is one HGH where people seem to love it and say its by far the best thing they have ran. There are LOGs of this GH from experienced AAS users in there 40s who have ran 20 different GHs from Pharma to crap and they seem to love it.

    I'll still never be sold until an actual vial is tested.

  19. #19
    cyounger100's Avatar
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    i honestly believe the rips we have are legit no way of ever knowing though my fat loss is amazing so far i love them 5 ius is a lil too much for me as hands are swollen face is rounded elbows hurt i will drop dose and finish my last 2 kits

  20. #20
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Yeah that's the stuff I'm hearing all over the place. Private board I'm on the kid loves them saying fat is melting off him to.

    Sucks my body is not liking them plus you always wonder in your head regardless if they are real or not.

  21. #21
    cyounger100's Avatar
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    sounds like you are like myself test increasing my HR and when my cycle ends i will see if HGH does or not hopefully not as i want too run it year around we will see in 6 weeks

  22. #22
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    keep me up to date bro

  23. #23
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    Slim, what's your cardiovascular history like? Any family with problems? Also, have you ever experienced heart palpitations?

  24. #24
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    never had a problem heart wise my whole life, BP has always been good etc. Laying in bed in the morning i check my rate and im normally in the low 60s. On the HGH i was 80s resting then I would get out of bed and it would hit 100 and stay around there.

    Oh no family problems that i can recall.

  25. #25
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    It's odd the way your body handles the hormones. I would imagine that it def increases to a dangerous level during your workouts. I'd discontinue the gear if I were in your shoes.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruary17 View Post
    It's odd the way your body handles the hormones. I would imagine that it def increases to a dangerous level during your workouts. I'd discontinue the gear if I were in your shoes.
    Yeah I'm starting deca test next month so I will monitor my rate. I'm hoping this time around it doesn't jump up.

  27. #27
    cyounger100's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    Yeah I'm starting deca test next month so I will monitor my rate. I'm hoping this time around it doesn't jump up.
    well one of the sides of using steriods is an increased heart rate so i would expect it too jump up till you get off gl on the upcoming cycle

  28. #28
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Thanks bro,

    It always starts off higher but then comes down mid cycle, like my body gets used to

  29. #29
    cyounger100's Avatar
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    it took like 2 or 3 weeks and then my heart rate went up its getting lil better but still high maybe it will get better n a few weeks only have like 5 1/2 weeks left on cycle

  30. #30
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    I think it did take a few weeks to go up on test as well.

    What is yours up to?

  31. #31
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    laying here its at like 80 when i go too gym its take nothing on treadmill too get it too 110 walking at a med pace after i lift its usually at like 100 or 110 i hope it gets better i will kep updating threw the weeks still taking the rips also lowered my dose though

  32. #32
    the judge is offline New Member
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    im doing rips now 4months in and actually lowered my bp.on the mill level 4 117-119now 130ish before i buddy had the same results as me also.sounds like yours might be bunk.

  33. #33
    marcus300's Avatar
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    If your happy with your generics stay with them but you have to understand that they are putting various other compounds and chemicals within their generics. Anti-diuretic hormones, AI's and a dangerous chemical what slowly increases your heart rate and bp.

    Be very careful taking anything from a second rate lab, they just don't have the equipment to fully produce this delicate hormone.

    Also, don't believe whats said on various other forums, these forums are paid to uphold and push these products and many of the members are staff pushing their sponsors.

    If you have ever used pharm grade gh for any length of time you would know exactly what gh is suppose to feel like and produce.

    Best of luck

  34. #34
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    I can agree with that, if you look over at the forums where rips is a sponsor there are so many posts from random users that look like they are trying to sell the stuff like a late night tv ad.

    I would bet half these idiots have Chinese ip adresses.

  35. #35
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    well quick update i have stopped taking rips after fri nite i believe i started having chest pains about an hour or so after subq injection not sure if it was from that but i am goin too discontinue use of them i do feel better now hopefully HR will go down a lil we shall see

  36. #36
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Do you take any stims., like EC or preworkout stuff.

    I took a EC yesterday and watched my heart rate. It was up in the 90s and 100 for most of the day. I could tell when it was out of my system because I started to fall asleep at work, I then checked my rate and i was back in the low 80s.

    So it got me thinking, When i ran my test var cycle, i did take EC a lot during it just for the energy. This may have had something to do with it as well.

    I never really felt like my heart was racing on EC so i didnt think about it.

    So next month when i start a cycle im not going to touch EC and see if the gear makes it go up by its self

  37. #37
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    no i dont take any ec it is def the rips today my heartrate has been down 20 bpm now something def not right with them rips i am only 1 kit in and i am throwing the other ones away thanks marcus for the advice the gear wasnt doin it it was the rips

  38. #38
    cyounger100's Avatar
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    today its down too 60 bpm it went as high on sun too almost 100 bpm rips are def bunk im just glad i didnt have a fcking heart attack or something i was getting chest pains sunday nite scared the hell out of me

  39. #39
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Wise decision ^^ be careful with those Chinese generics.

  40. #40
    inevitable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I would give it longer than a few days, the chemicals they are putting in their hgh are very dangerous and can last a long time in the system. Ive seen this first and sceond hand you will need to wait at least a month or so or thats what it took for other bp to reduce and HR.

    If your happy with your hgh keep on it, but why even risk it with a 2nd rate lab is beyond me, best of luck and if you keep on it keep checking your HR and BP. If its the same chemical crap what is being pushed out of China your BP will slowly go up in the nest few weeks and months to a very dangerous level.
    do you have proof of this?

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