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Thread: what is IGF-1?

  1. #1
    novice1 is offline Junior Member
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    what is IGF-1?

    is igf-1 the same as hgh. is it the same as that growth factor 1 crap. i just can't find much about igf-1

  2. #2
    The Iron Game Guest
    try the search engine, it is usually quite helpful

  3. #3
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.
    Originally posted by The Iron Game
    try the search engine, it is usually quite helpful
    And you're title is a "Super Moderator" ???

    This place is going downhill fast!!

    Next, we're gonna go platinum and start charging, wait, that's elite. Sorry, wrong board.

  4. #4
    muscleup's Avatar
    muscleup is offline Associate Member
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    OK OK...I still love Elite, so quit you're bitching...

  5. #5
    EXCESS's Avatar
    EXCESS is offline Retired Moderator
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    I'd join Elite if I was looking for a bunch of flame posts and a soap-opera atmosphere. But I'd much rather give and receive QUALITY info, so I'll stay at AR.

  6. #6
    muscleup's Avatar
    muscleup is offline Associate Member
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    Both are good boards...I don't see people at Elite slamming AR so why are you slamming Elite....sounds kind of immature if you ask me...

  7. #7
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.
    Originally posted by muscleup
    Both are good boards...I don't see people at Elite slamming AR so why are you slamming Elite....sounds kind of immature if you ask me...
    It's an inside joke, bro.

    Don't take it personal.

  8. #8
    bigkev's Avatar
    bigkev is offline Scamming Traitor
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    igf-1=insulinelike growth factor 1

    i am pretty sure thats right. hgh is human growth hormone .

  9. #9
    nautica's Avatar
    nautica is offline Associate Member
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    Talking Since we are bashing elite - here is some info from elite

    IGF - 1
    Everyone is talking about this substance as the new miracle growth product of the nineties. It is reported to have packed on thirty pounds of lean tissue on one top an Olympia contender in less than nine months. Others have reported gains of thirty to forty pounds of lean tissue in a matter of months (39).
    INSULIN LIKE GROWTH FACTOR is nothing like insulin. It is a hormone that occurs naturally in the body that peaks through puberty and decreases as we get older in much the same way as testosterone and growth hormone . It's primary purpose as a hormone is as a messenger which makes its way to skeletal muscle cells and tells them to grow. This is why people are getting so excited. It is like cutting out all the intermediary stages and going direct to the grow message.
    IGF - 1 is not a controlled or banned substance; nor is it on any list any where in the world. It is not tested and it is not illegal. From a legal and sports council standpoint, it does not exist as a performance enhancing substance. At least not yet. However, if it really works then it will not be long before it will be regulated.
    Not much is known about the substance; in fact, even the researchers have not performed detailed tests on laboratory animals let alone humans. If you ask Kabi, they will say that the molecule has not even been successfully stabilised yet. They are almost right. However, certain companies have managed to stabilise it. The resulting compound is very delicate, one mistake with the stuff and it is instantly destroyed.
    Like insulin, IGF - 1 will lower blood sugar levels and diabetics should be aware of this. Further, bodybuilders should be sure to eat well and be extremely careful if they intend to use the product on a pre-contest diet. If you go hypo after use then ingest some honey or sugar immediately.
    There is evidence to suggest IGF - 1 causes actual muscle splitting action which, if true, would means that it would cause one to increase the number of actual muscle fibres in the body. This is a genetic change and a miracle come true for those not so genetically gifted
    IGF 1 levels in the body are effected by many things. The main factor though is nutrition. Starve someone and their levels fall to almost fifty percent, this is perhaps a part of the reason for the catabolic state created by a pre-contest diet -- stuff someone with food and the levels rise dramatically. This is basic survival in action and obvious when you know how it works. The body resists any tendency to put itself at risk and will keep its caloric need well within the available food supply. Feed it three thousand calories a day and the body will make sure it only carries the mass that needs two thousand calories to support it. It keeps the mass down by suppressing the hormonal messengers that make you bigger. This means you have to acclimatise your body system to a lot more food. Convince it that nutrition of the finest quality is in absolute abundance and, therefore, it is safe to creep up with the mass.
    Drugs like anabolic steroids , especially testosterone propionate , will elevate IGF 1 levels by about twenty percent, so will primobolin depot. These are often viewed as anticatabolic steroids and now we have a little explanation as to why.
    Medically, the treatment of diabetes is the best avenue for research, although fighting muscle wasting diseases like AIDS and MS must also be worth consideration. For this reason, tests on humans will commence in the next few years; I think that the bodybuilding population will get to the truth long before the medical experts.
    Several of IGF - 1’s properties are cause for concern. First, is this switching on of dormant genes. This recently discovered phenomena indicates that we all have these "off" genes that can be turned on by certain chemicals like IGF 1 -- some of these genes can have terrible effects like causing leukaemia or other forms of cancer. The chances are reasonably slim but there is a chance and the dice will roll when you use the stuff and this needs to be weighted up with the possible benefit.
    Also, the drug does not know the difference between one form of cell and another. This means that pretty much everything will grow like intestines and kidneys and this could get nasty. It is a fact that the symmetry of things change when they get bigger and this stops efficient functioning. This is another roll of those dice of death that needs to be factored in the calculation.
    IGF 1 will also produce reduction on bodyfat levels in much the same way as conventional growth hormone and for very similar reasons. For this reason, the diet must have a level of essential fatty acids. I suggest supplementing with a daily tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil for the omega three fatty acids plus a daily portion of fresh water fish like salmon, trout, or even sardine.
    IGF 1 comes in micro gram doses which are very small amounts.
    Bottles range from 20 to several hundred micrograms with 1OO microgram bottles being the most common. The substance is killed by light and heat so it must be packed in a dark container and surrounded by a freezing material at all times. If a would -be dealer says it has been hand sent and kept in his freezer and it is not specially packed, then it is worthless.
    Research showing clear mass gains, suggests doses of 15 mg per day, costing a second mortgage for a week's supply at current prices. Bodybuilders seem to be experimenting with doses of 20 micrograms a day taken in two doses, one at night and a second in the morning. They combine the product with growth and high androgen stacks.
    Hyclone Laboratories INC
    This is the most popular, cheapest, and lowest grade product on the market. It is cell culture grade and not really made to inject into humans. Also, the protein quality is only about ninety percent. This is a very quick acting version as well because of the lack of binding protein so you need to take it more often. Still, it is a viable source and should work if it is going to work at all. Most of the counterfeits seen have been of the Hyclone product.
    Other companies are Austral Biological, Biosource International, Sigma Bio sciences, Accurate chemical, ICN, Promega, R and D systems, Advanced Scientific and Chemical.
    Price varies greatly but the average seems to be around $1,000.00 for 100 micrograms. That would last about five days.

  10. #10
    CYCLEON Guest
    good info nautica - and X was only joking with IG in particular - no need to hop on the bandwagon people - Im still a member of EF and it is a good board for certain things.

  11. #11
    GreenNBroken is offline New Member
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    Last edited by GreenNBroken; 05-21-2007 at 12:51 AM.

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