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  1. #1
    arico is offline Banned
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    Melotan 2 banned in Australia

    Im a very pale person that never tans just burned so was about to order some lol. Then i read how its so dangerous anyone here care to share some input, is it actually that dangerous? Only other way i tan is get a spray tan and that shits nasty lol.

  2. #2
    Bulkn's Avatar
    Bulkn is offline Productive Member
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    I guess just stock up and keep it for summer time?
    I know people that use it and i dont think it suits everyone. With one of my mates that uses it, it brings out his freckles way too much and doesnt look normal!

  3. #3
    Skills's Avatar
    Skills is offline Associate Member
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    It ha's always been banned here but the enfor***ent was pretty nonexistence with lots of vendors offering local delivery lol . Ridiculous really. I am sick of the nanny state telling me what I can and can't with my body. Rant rant rant.

    I know a lot of people that take it and they're all still living as far as I know. I've never taken it but some say they feel pretty sick the first few days bit all good after that. Personally, i don't like the "orangey" look!

  4. #4
    tballz's Avatar
    tballz is offline Senior Member
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    I've taken melanotan every summer now for the past 4 years. Love the stuff.

    It doesn't give me an orangey look. Gives me a nice, dark tan. The orange look comes from spray tans.

  5. #5
    Isma's Avatar
    Isma is offline Associate Member
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    Also in Spain, there are people with serious illness in the skin because of melanotan.

    PS: to be honest, there are a lot of other people who is using it without any problem... so I'm just giving the info I don't judge the drug.

  6. #6
    bubsy's Avatar
    bubsy is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Isma View Post
    Also in Spain, there are people with serious illness in the skin because of melanotan.

    PS: to be honest, there are a lot of other people who is using it without any problem... so I'm just giving the info I don't judge the drug.
    I have a friend who took these tan injections named mx-5 and it was melanotan and he got black dots like freckles on his face!
    Last edited by bubsy; 02-05-2012 at 04:41 PM.

  7. #7
    Isma's Avatar
    Isma is offline Associate Member
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    This is exactly the drug that was coming to Spain.

    In Spain and France was in II-phase (clinical trials) and didn't pass thru it, so I don't know exactly in which point it is right now. But, trust me, I've seen people in the news who looks like if they were burned alive, with a giant dots in the skin (dots were burns).

  8. #8
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skills View Post
    It ha's always been banned here but the enfor***ent was pretty nonexistence with lots of vendors offering local delivery lol . Ridiculous really. I am sick of the nanny state telling me what I can and can't with my body. Rant rant rant.

    I know a lot of people that take it and they're all still living as far as I know. I've never taken it but some say they feel pretty sick the first few days bit all good after that. Personally, i don't like the "orangey" look!
    Illegal marketing is banned and enfor***ent exists...strongly down under - nanny rant on lol
    Mis-use, initial overdose makes about every melanotan peptide user sick - then they feel like they have figured it out upon desensitizing. If you do not like "orangey" look, make sure to not mistake sunless tanning products with melanotropin analog therapy.

  9. #9
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Isma;58***07
    This is exactly the drug that was coming to Spain.

    In Spain and France was in II-phase (clinical trials) and didn't pass thru it, so I don't know exactly in which point it is right now. But, trust me, I've seen people in the news who looks like if they were burned alive, with a giant dots in the skin (dots were burns).
    People burn from UVR? Trust that you have seen folks on television with light sensitivity/burns/pigment? If you do not know, not sure what value posting has here....

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