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  1. #1
    fontazya's Avatar
    fontazya is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2010

    IGF1 LR3 during PCT HELP??

    Hey guys im planning on running IGF 1 LR3 with my upcoming pct after my cycle.. i have all my pct set in order just wanted to add the peptide cause i heard it was great for keeping gains... i havent been able to find a solid reference in regards to dosing??.. i train 5 days a week monday to thursday and saturday so should i inject post workout bilaterally into the muscle 5 days a week and then take 2 days off??
    also how long does a typical cycle last for ive read 50 days followed by 4 weeks off??
    what dosage is good for a first timer 50mcg split bilaterally 5 days a week??
    also after the injection should i be taking simple or complex carbs along with my whey shake?
    thanks guys..

  2. #2
    fontazya's Avatar
    fontazya is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2010

  3. #3
    Captain Fantastic's Avatar
    Captain Fantastic is offline Junior Member
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    Sooner Nation


    You might have better luck in the PCT forum.

    The Long R I used to get helped big time in PCT when there was only 2 sources. The crap all the companies put out I've gotten the last 3 years has been bunk. Bi lateral injections aren't necessary with IGF-1. I'm going to try HCG next PCT. HCG should provide what the IGF-1 of yesteryear did.
    Last edited by Captain Fantastic; 05-11-2012 at 11:32 AM.

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