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  1. #1
    Tennis_tom's Avatar
    Tennis_tom is offline New Member
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    Help with HGH info - panicking

    Hey. I have a problem situation regarding my possible beginning of using HGH. I know this post is a bit long, but ANY and all advice would be really hugely appreciated. I have read so many threads on here and on the internet to the point that my head hurts and I just cant process all the conflicting information.

    Age: 26 (Will be 27 on July 16th 2012)
    Height: 6'0
    Weight: 190 lbs
    body Fat: approx 14-18%

    Brief History: Been working out since I was 21 but much more seriously in the last 3 years. Was at 186lbs (80kg) for a long time, mainly because I was so busy with work and didnt have the time or money to eat as well as I needed. Always wants to do some AAS but actually decided against it after reading threads on here which said I should wait until I reached 200lbs (90kg).
    Travelled for 4 months and went from 186lbs to 154lbs (70kg). Arrived in australia in January 2012. Been working out really well and eating non stop since and Ive gone up to 191lbs (87kg).

    The Situation: I started chatting to a 23 year old guy who had taken HGH. He looked really awesome and went on and on about how he made great gains etc with no side effects. I have to admit that I knew almost nothing about HGH as all the research Id done was on ASS. My main concern about doing AAS was the side effects of acne, as I have a tendency to keloid scar. He basically said to me that its a better version of AAS with natural growth and no side effects, which sounded perfect to me. He gave me the contact of his sports doctor who called me and gave me lots of info about it - but mostly about the practicalities of using/storing it and didnt go much into side-effects. I agreed to get a 6 month cycle for AUD3000 ($3050), starting on 2iu and going up to 5iu. I really had it in my head that this was a consequence free supplement that was heavily used by sportsmen like rubgy/american football players and so couldnt be dangerous.

    Anyway I started having my doubts a few days ago. I spoke to a powerlifter at work who said Im wasting my time if I dont do it with T4 and insulin . This sowed the first few doubts in my head - as I had rather naively perceived HGH as a wonder supplement. I REALLY dont want to start messing around with insulin in the slightest so that freaked me out a bit. Then I started digging deeper and reading a lot more threads on here which were saying that its a slight waste of time to start before 30 and also about the risks for diabetes and heart problems.

    I am starting to panic and bit now as the doctor has ordered it for me now and I dont know if there is anyway I can cancel the order. Im also a bit down about how its taken me a long time to save up all this money and now I might be blowing it all on something that might not work (as Im still young) and also damage my health. Im not sure though if maybe Im just panicking and blowing this all out of proportion.

    I went to have my bloods done today and told the doctor I was starting HGH. He warned me about the risks of it reducing/stopping your natural GH production afterwards and also emphasised the risks of the bony changes.

    Also I realise now that maybe I dont need to take HGH right now as I am still naturally getting bigger and havent plateaued yet. My best mate says I should just take it as then I can just get where I was going naturally even quicker.

    My gut instinct is to just not do it and continue naturally but I dont know how I can get out of it if Ive already ordered if off the guy

    On top of any general advice - some of my main concerns on top of what Ive said above-:

    What are the actual frequency of the side effects? Is there a high risk of me getting the brow/jaw bone growth after 6 months on 5iu or does that only happen in prolonged usage?
    How much and for how long would I have to be on it before the possibility of diabetes became a real risk?
    Am I being way too paranoid? Is this a really commonly used supplement for young rugby and american football players?

    Would it be easy for the doctor to cancel the order or just use the HGH on his next patient? Hes an endocrinologist.

    Thank you for any help/advice you can give me.
    Last edited by Tennis_tom; 06-29-2012 at 07:33 AM.

  2. #2
    stocky121's Avatar
    stocky121 is offline VET~ Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    If i was you i would just fcuk the docter off did you sign anything or give him any money so far?
    no open source posting
    keep all source request's to PM'S please

    someone once said to me a clever man learn's by his own mistake's. But a wise man learn's by the mistake's of other people.

    detailed detection times
    at least 45 day's active use and 100 posts for a source check
    unsure about the rule's please read up
    thread for first cycle choices


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    HGH is not for you at your age. The HGH could affect your natural pulses of your own growth hormones. If the disruption is bad enough your body will severely decrease the production of growth hormones. Don't take a chance. Yes, AAS can give you acne but it can be controlled. When you get off of AAS the acne will go away. I have keloid scars also but the acne didn't scar me very much at all. If you're concerned about acne just take a smaller dose of Testosterone , say 250mg/wk.

  4. #4
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    HGH is a premium - personally I dig how the polypeptide has transformed my structure

    If I could go back & take more (with greater discipline & length) in my mid-20's...I would

    Given your concerns however, your journey will likely leave you bloated, tired...quitting and being remorseful - you're right to say no to the peptides/hormones....
    good luck!

  5. #5
    ttufan111's Avatar
    ttufan111 is offline Junior Member
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    Too young for HGH in my opinion.

  6. #6
    Tennis_tom's Avatar
    Tennis_tom is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stocky121 View Post
    If i was you i would just fcuk the docter off did you sign anything or give him any money so far?
    No I havent given him money or signed anything. He just knows my first name and roughly the area where I live. I offered him a deposit but he said it wasnt necessary. I dont wanna just f*** him over and disappear though. Surely he'd be able to use the HGH he ordered on the next person?

  7. #7
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tennis_tom View Post
    No I havent given him money or signed anything. He just knows my first name and roughly the area where I live. I offered him a deposit but he said it wasnt necessary. I dont wanna just f*** him over and disappear though. Surely he'd be able to use the HGH he ordered on the next person?
    Yes, culture down under demands quality growth factor peptides...doc should have absolutely no troubles - you won't hurt anyone's feelings & for the record, insulin + thyroid hormone for a sub-200lb-guy...likely not the best advice imho

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