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  1. #1
    football guy is offline New Member
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    Aug 2012

    What doage should i take?

    i have recombinant growth hormone (250IU), i am 18,5'11 ,175lbs,play high school football, using it along with 200mg of mastabol (1cc five days) How much should i take of the HGH?
    Last edited by football guy; 08-18-2012 at 11:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Razor is offline Banned
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    At 18 growth will do nothing for you but harm you. And 25iu is not enough to even make any difference, you need hundreds if not thousands of iu's

  3. #3
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razor
    At 18 growth will do nothing for you but harm you. And 25iu is not enough to even make any difference, you need hundreds if not thousands of iu's
    Razor's right. 25iu is nothing. Absolutely no benefit. Anyone who may have told you otherwise ripped you off and sold you a bunch of lies.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    You can learn a lot and help yourself to a lot of information if you spend some time and read in this forum.

  5. #5
    football guy is offline New Member
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    Aug 2012
    My bad i meant 250iu, but ive been reliably told it would help verticle growth if plates havent closed? I know there are risks without proper doage..

  6. #6
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by football guy
    My bad i meant 250iu, but ive been reliably told it would help verticle growth if plates havent closed? I know there are risks without proper doage..
    250iu still isn't much. I go through that much in 3 weeks!

    Hgh will only help you reach your predisposed genetic height. It won't make you grow past your genetic limit and at 18 years of age, unless you've been clinically diagnosed with GHD, the risks out weigh the benefits.

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