I'm wondering what the best PEDs for a soccer player is. I have a bad knee and I'm overtraining all the time, so my joints hurt constantly. I have therefore thought about using HGH.
I don't want to ruin my hole system, so I don't want to take high doses of something.
I'm already taking creatine, glucosamine,protein powder, eating good foods and training in the gym 4-5 times a week. I lift 260 kg in deadlift,120 in benchpress and 170 in the squat.
I weigh 89 kg and is 192cm high with fat percent about 6-7.
I had low testo and bad blood test overall but the Doc have given me 5mg testogel so the testo is at least back to normal.

If someone can give me some advice about what I can take, I'm listening