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  1. #1
    oceans0ne is offline New Member
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    Jun 2012

    Pinning at work???? Ghrp2 grf 1-29

    Hey bro's,
    Some stats im 201lbs 15% bf training 5 days cardio/weights

    Im half way thru my clen cycle and so as soon as im finished ill b using ghrp-2 and grf 1-29 combo at 3 x 100mcg each.
    my midday pin will be at work, so can i pre load both in a single syringe in morning and keep cold and inject midday?
    Also when preloading do i inject 100mcg of air into both to pressurise before extracting 100mcg of each?

  2. #2
    Tasmaniac is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2012
    I also inject at work. On warm days I keep something cold wrapped in a plastic shopping bag next to the glasses case that I keep my syringe in. Since we are in autumn here it has worked well. In summer it might pay to throw it in the freezer for a while. Since you need to inject when you wake up, maybe get two ready and then use the freezer to chill it down a bit and then grab it when you are about to head out the door...

  3. #3
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Yes you can preload syringes and yes you need to inject the same amount of air into the vial as you're extracting. When preloading syringes draw up one peptide and then about 20iu's of air and then draw up the 2nd peptide...the air will create an air bubble separating the two peptides (the peptides can degrade when mixed after a few hours or more). Then when you're ready to inject you grab the syringe on the needle side and sling it downward fast which will mix the peptides and then you simply push the excess air out and you're ready to inject.

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