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  1. #1
    One Pec Cecc's Avatar
    One Pec Cecc is offline New Member
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    Cant find BAC water /AA. plz help

    So Friday I received my first peptide order 2x GHRP-6 and 1x IGF1 lr3

    with the order came sterile water which is NOT what i need, im looking for AA or BAC water but im having trouble finding it.

    They dont sell either in my local pharamacy because in NJ you need a prescription for them.

    Can anyone suggest a site with fast shipping?

    My peptides have been in my fridge for 4 days so far, getting worried about leaving them in there. Just want to mix them asap.

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    Amazon for Bac Water. Or a million other places on the web.

  3. #3
    sgt2jay's Avatar
    sgt2jay is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    just google it.

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    there's actually a shortage of bac water.

    no problem!


    (i think this originally came from 956vette}

    Items needed:

    .22 sterile filter
    1ml sterile BA(ask if there is a minimum)
    100ml sterile vial
    20ml syringe (the bigger the syringe the more pressure it takes)
    two 18g pins one for drawing water and one for injecting in sterile vial.
    small pin 27g for letting air pressure out of vial you injecting BA into

    There's no need to boil your water or anything like that. Simply buy a sealed gallon of distilled water. Set up your vial to be filtered in to by placing one of the 18g needles in the top with the filter attached, as well as the 27g needle in the top for air exchange. The pins used for injecting into the sterile vial and relieveing air pressure should stay there with the filter until the process is complete. Use the 3rd pin to draw the water with. You will be switching the syringe from the filter to the drawing 5 times or so to get 100ml.

    Now put 1ml of BA through the filter, in to the sealed vial. Then draw out 99ml's (20ml's at a time, or whatever size syringe you're working with) and filter it through the filter in to the vial as well.

    You have yourself Bacteriostatic Water.

  5. #5
    swithuk is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2012
    ebay is where i get mine ....

  6. #6
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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  7. #7
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    there's actually a shortage of bac water.

    no problem!


    (i think this originally came from 956vette}

    Items needed:

    .22 sterile filter
    1ml sterile BA(ask if there is a minimum)
    100ml sterile vial
    20ml syringe (the bigger the syringe the more pressure it takes)
    two 18g pins one for drawing water and one for injecting in sterile vial.
    small pin 27g for letting air pressure out of vial you injecting BA into

    There's no need to boil your water or anything like that. Simply buy a sealed gallon of distilled water. Set up your vial to be filtered in to by placing one of the 18g needles in the top with the filter attached, as well as the 27g needle in the top for air exchange. The pins used for injecting into the sterile vial and relieveing air pressure should stay there with the filter until the process is complete. Use the 3rd pin to draw the water with. You will be switching the syringe from the filter to the drawing 5 times or so to get 100ml.

    Now put 1ml of BA through the filter, in to the sealed vial. Then draw out 99ml's (20ml's at a time, or whatever size syringe you're working with) and filter it through the filter in to the vial as well.

    You have yourself Bacteriostatic Water.
    Yeah but I think there's shortage on filters..(lol)

    On a serious note, that's great to know, just in case.

  8. #8
    swithuk is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2012
    normal sterile water is ok for g.h right ?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Like Times says, I just make my own. It costs more on the first batch because you have to buy all the supplies but it's super cheap, fast and convenient.

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