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  1. #1
    wesh's Avatar
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    Insulin. First time

    Im gonna take insulin soon. Just doing some research. Any tips or suggestions on doses and when to take it. And for how long?

  2. #2
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    what type do you have?, which way are you leaning regarding dosing, pre or post w/o, large dose or smaller split through day? do you have your nutrition pre and post in mind?

    this is baisc, we will help you, but slin is dangerous, I do believe that it differs from AAS in the fact that you NEED some personal knowledge yourself to be able to use safetly because it is dangerous if used by undereducated people and unfortunately it isnt like gyno where you can sit back and post a thread asking how to reverse it, you wont have enough time,

    A test cycle then i can just lay it all out in 6 or 7 sentences from start to finish and it will be as safe and effective as possible, with slin you need to know the signs of going hypo, why it happens, how to counteract it because if you dont deal with it then your in serious trouble and I am sure that many will agree I am one of if not the last person on this forum to overstate dangers regarding various compounds, but there is real danger here if you are undereducated, I am not telling you not to do it, I am telling you to understand what your doing and also the risks and unfortunately this isnt a compound where I can just say do x then y and your fine, I strongly believe that you need to have some knowledge before you start, spoonfeeding for a slin run is irresponsible and anybody that knows me from the forum will be shocked that I said the word irresponsible because I am a model for it, but I am trying to ephasise the point that you need to know what your doing or you could be in serious trouble, possibly life threatening

    I'll have a look for a few stickys to get you started, read them a few times, anything you dont understand then post the questions, put together a plan and we will help you fine tune it to suit your needs/goals if you still choose to go down this road, but your current lack of knowledge worrys me to be honest
    Last edited by DanB; 01-07-2013 at 04:03 PM.

  3. #3
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    there isnt alot here in the stickys, if your interested then pm me and i'll send you links for some excellent info on other forums

    Im currectly educating myself to the point where I feel i have sufficient knowledge for my first run on it and I feel the need to know the in's and out's of basically everything, i may try put something together and run it past few people like dukkit, jimmy etc to see if its worth posting, i know there countless threads but it be good to have it all put together in one place, if nothing else it may stop people using it incorrectly and in turn potentially harmfully, anyways that was just me thinking out loud

    OP offer stands, pm if you want info and some of the resources I am gathering mine from

  4. #4
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Agree w/everything my friend DanB said. Except for the part where he said he was irresponsible. Maybe a little in his past, but i don't believe it now.

    EDIT: I just remembered some of his past. Yes, he was irresponsible. haha...

    OP- Do you have any AAS experience?

  5. #5
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Agree w/everything my friend DanB said. Except for the part where he said he was irresponsible. Maybe a little in his past, but i don't believe it now.

    EDIT: I just remembered some of his past. Yes, he was irresponsible. haha...

    OP- Do you have any AAS experience?
    Lol we all have a past, now I feel I know a little to be able to run larger doses safetly, I get less sides now from a heavy cycle then I did a couple years running basic sust or t400 from guy in gym who was old school and we knew no better so Im sure you have a good idea of how those cycles went............

    Id say you argee with me or do you? that knowledge is power in this game

  6. #6
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Yes sir, i agree. Assuming of course, you mean large test dosages...

  7. #7
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Yes sir, i agree. Assuming of course, you mean large test dosages...
    of course, is there any other way?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    of course, is there any other way?
    I have used 5iu post workout with a protein drink consisting of ON protein 3 scoops and 1 scoop of ovaltine and 5gms of glutamine and 5gms of creatine and I find it to be effective.


  9. #9
    Scabtree's Avatar
    Scabtree is offline Associate Member
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    Great post DanB; I think what you said would be a very good sticky.

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