Hello mates,

Stats : 27yo, 210lbs, ~10% bf

I started a hgh ans slin prototcol soon after my pct,
I'd like to get your thoughts on it...

I take 3ui gh when I wake up, wait 45minutes ans get my breakfast...

I take another shot of 3ui around 3pm (2hours after my last meal). 45 min later i take my whey protein shake.

15min before my workout, i take 10ui slin and 1 banana + bcaa, créatine. As i start my workout, and during all of it i take a 50gr isolat + 70 gr of maltodextrine...

I feel an incredible pump and strength seem to increase too...

But i tend to get an hypo 1h after my workout... I think i'll take my meal a little sooner

I know slin is something to take seriously, i take responsibility for myself and dont recommand anyone to follow my protocol...