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  1. #1
    Jarod1 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2013

    Gh compare/fake? help please

    Hi guys, i need some help here.
    I started a HGH cycle around a month ago and is my first one, my fear is that it is fake and i have 2 kind of it.. hopefully not both are fake..
    I am taking both since i dont know anymore wich is real or not, 2ui ED and noticed some difference between the two so here they are..
    The first GH is of Genesis 100ui in 10ui vials and the second Glotroprin from Global anabolic 80 ui in 80 ui vials,
    1) The powder in the 8uis vial (glotropin) is almost the double then the amount contained in the 10ui vials (genesis)
    2) when i reconstitute it and inject the sterile water in the vials in both the some powder stays for some time before to dissolve completely but the glotropin is vacuum-sealed and as soon as i put the needle in it "sucks in" all the sterile water strongly and i am afraid that this could sometimes break the amminoacid sequence
    3) When i inject the genesis it slightly burns during the injection and after is perfect while when taking the glotropin i dont feel absolutely nothing while injecting but after the spot becomes red and it burns for 1 day like the sting of a strong mosquito, the spot also becomes hard like infiammated
    4) the first 2 weeks i was taking just Genesis and some ppl noticed my skin was looking better, i after continued with Glotropin and really cant see any other results actually i am taking 1 one day, 1 the other one..
    5) 30min-1hour after Glotropin injection i feel numbness in some finger, i feel it also after injecting genesis but is a less strong sensation
    6) I triyed to make the boiling test with both to break the amminocid sequences but none turns white
    7) the source of my glotropin is much more trustable (and expensive) then the genesis one is

    So guys, i am really confused and dont know what i am injecting into myself, i have a lack of experience and hope yours can help me to understand what can be true gh or not, thanks
    Last edited by Jarod1; 12-18-2013 at 04:16 PM.

  2. #2
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    Im not familiar with this brand so no personal experience, however 99percent of generics are garbage cintaining god knows what, unfortunately price discussion is not permitted on the open forum so we would appreciate it if you can remove the prices, thanks in advance

    My advise is before you bin it, to get BW (bloodwork) done, GH serum and IGF, this is not a conclusive test as they may be peptides which when used in particular ways can produce similar results on paper

    My advise if you are going to run GH is pharm or nothing, alot will agree, I know its expensive but if you cannot afford it no big deal, keep your extra cycles for AAS, extra food, and new clothes to show off the physique from the guranteed results from a cycle versus so many worryies about non pharm GH, if fat loss was one of the attractive attributes og gh then lookinto clen , albeutrol, or even peps such as mod-grf 1-29 and ipa or ghrp2 or 6, there is a sticky in this section somewhere that will answer any questions you may have on the peps and from my own personal experience I am pleased with mod grf/ipa when i ran it on/off and in conjunction with gh but that was me going slightly overboard, hope this helps

    if any more questions and you would prefer not to use open forum (questions on prices for example) then dont hesistate to pm , i will help in any way i can


    sides and ebnefits you isted are common with the peps i mentioned above, freezer test isnt really reliable mabey better used as an indicator
    Last edited by DanB; 12-18-2013 at 03:26 PM.

  3. #3
    diabeticknowledge is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2013
    it is very simple to check if your GH is real, google scholar - if it has researches in pediatric medicine and is sold by a respectable pharmaceutical company then it is possibly legit (if not forged).

    To make a real GH requires a highly expensive lab, speciality staff and so on. there for, every UGL hgh should be crap. best of all underdosed, but most likely there is no gh in it.

    Here is a list of brands that are real:

    Jintropin B
    Jintropin AQ L
    Genotropin Miniquick B
    Genotropin B
    Humatrope B
    Norditropin B
    Norditropin NordiFlex L
    Norditropin Simplexx L
    Norditropin Nordilet
    Nutropin AQ L
    Nutropin B
    Omnitrope B
    Saizen M
    Serostim M
    Tev-Tropin 192aa
    Zomacton B
    Zorbtive M

  4. #4
    NightStalker's Avatar
    NightStalker is offline New Member
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    diabetic - What about Hygentropin

  5. #5
    Jarod1 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2013
    Ok guys, thanks for your answers. I had time to read but not to reply in those busy days The point is that i am having a difficult time to find a doctor to prescribe me HGH so i cant actually get it in a pharmacy but i'll definitly work to be able to. I have a friend who is a BB pro champ and i bought the Glotropin from his source so i was almost sure it was a 'great' gh but since the heat rushes in the injections spots i think i might be cheated and wanted to know if this is possible. I googled a bit before and i saw that Glotropin is a good gh of 'third category' meaning its a bit unclean compared to pharma so i tought it could be ok. I just would like to be 100% sure that is fake actually before to rip off the head of my source if i was injecting shit into myself. Especially becouse i read bad things about 192 amminoacid sequences HGH and i am afraid the one i have is it. So what should i do? is enough BW or as you DanB said its not a prove since it can be faked, can you point me to some lab in Europe to which send the hgh for an accurate test? You maybe also know if i can get some pharma grade hgh directly from the producer and get it shipped home without a prescription? something 101% sure just to dont be scammed again, you can PM me if needed.
    Thanks in advance

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Stay clear of generics they are complete garbage

  7. #7
    diabeticknowledge is offline Associate Member
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    "I googled a bit before and i saw that Glotropin is a good gh of 'third category' meaning its a bit unclean compared to pharma so i tought it could be ok."

    who said that? what is the persons medical certification, where can i read the study he based this claims on?

    There is nothing to be found about Glotropin except on steroid sites, selling or discussing, there is nothing to be found on this drug in medical studies, pediatric medicine or such - therefore it is not real growth hormone . There is no third category, human grade or no grade at all, no grade = no hGH...
    On top of that,the box and logo looks like it was designed by a child.

    Nightstalker, i get no results for Hygen... but Hyge- has some results. More than Glotropin, they even have a website, which doesnt state their license, who manufactures them, and what their policy is for pediatric medicine.

    lets look at what we have

    - only discussion/info about them is on steroid websites or on their own website
    - no medical information whatsoever, no studies, nothing in pediatric medicine
    - no company, whereabouts, license..

    and something that everyone should figure them selves, THEY SELL AND SHIP, that should ring some bells because real medicine is not sold at order.

    it is not real, use common sense. nothing about it looks right

  8. #8
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i agree with diabetic and marcus. Both brands are not gh and who knows what chemicals you are injection. I would throw them in the trash before i injected myself with some random powder
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

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