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  1. #1
    roidnewb52 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2014

    HGH - Question about how far into the rabbits hole I'm willing to go

    I know there are a bajillion rules about where to post, so direct me if I'm wrong, and the search function was stalling on me.

    Basics:22 years, 6'2"
    185 after a cutting phase that I've pretty much maxed on (down from 215) but probably 15% bodyfat.
    I've refused to give in but it just looks like I can't get abs without risking too much muscle (and then I won't have any abs at all)
    I'm an endomorph, and although its easy for me to gain strength/muscle I refuse to spend more years of my life cycling my diet, hoping that THIS time will be the time that I finally get where I'd like to be and look good naked.
    Basically: I'm an outsider looking in, reading up before I make a decision. Initially, I had heard that HGH was not as crazy as AAS. What I'm learning is that for far less money and time, you can have more powerful results with AAS, but then... I'm taking AAS, formulas, pills, etc.

    I'd really just like a bump in the gym that will help me cut fat, gain muscle, but I don't at all want to be massive/super tan/freakish vascular/extremely aggressive and horny... Just more muscular.

    I'm only looking for something to bump me, even if it takes a few months. Is HGH going to give me that? Or am I wasting my time/money by just not going all in with steroids ?

    Thanks for taking time to read!

  2. #2
    Rick Kane is offline Junior Member
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    May 2013
    First off you're 22 and shouldn't be going "all in" with anything unless you have pro genetics and someone other than your friends has told you. It sounds like you really need to get your diet in check. It's probably not what you want to hear but more times than not, it's where the problem lies. Have you ever seen any fat people in Darfur? Yeah me either.

    If you are intent on experimenting look into DNP . It can be safely used and will melt fat while sparing muscle. 22 is very young to be using gh.
    If you're already using AAS, try anavar or halo.

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You don't need gh at your age or steroids unless your something special which with respect your probably aren't. You need to get your diet in check and redesign your training and cardio program for further gains.

    You defiantly don't need DNP as the post above advice, that's just horrible advice stay well clear of that poison.

    HGH by the way is extremely expensive and its virtually impossible to get hold of 100% gh and its not a night wonder drug it takes 6-12 months to see results and they are very small.

    Get your diet and training in order and use your natural test

    best of luck

  4. #4
    roidnewb52 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Thanks guys. My structure hasn't changed in a while but maybe I'm not done growing on the inside. When I am 25, would it be better to just read into gear instead, even if only to look 'good' and not freakish large?

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