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  1. #1
    Aussie_Bob is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    A very confused man.


    I am currently trying to figure out if I want to do another gear cycle or perhaps try GH or maybe a combination. Would greatly appreciate some advice from those who have tried GH and can help me a make a better decision.

    As for my “experience” . I am 27 Years old. Have taken a break from training for the past 6 months as I was travelling. Aside from the break have been training pretty consistently for the past 4 years. In regards to my knowledge on gear, I have done 4 cycles to date.

    Cycle 1: 500mcg TE for 10 Weeks . PCT consisted of Nolva + Clomid.
    Cycle 2: 800mcg TE 12 Weeks + 500mcg Deca 8 Weeks. Adex intracycle, PCT consisted of Nolva + Clomid.
    Cycle 3: 500mcg TE for 12 Weeks . PCT consisted of Nolva + Clomid.
    Cycle 4: 800mcg TE for 12 Weeks +300mcg Deca 8 Weeks + 40mg Dbol for 6weeks . Adex + HCG intracycle, PCT consisted of Nolva + Clomid.

    In regards to the cycles , I was very happy with the results from the first 2 , however due to getting stuffed around and unable to get HCG for PCT on cycle 2 , I experienced a pretty long recovery to get my hormone levels back . Cycle 4 was good too , however again the shut down was pretty annoying (not as bad as cycle 2 tho).

    So where I am currently , I plan to simply train normal (ie just a clean diet with protein and creatine supps) for the next 6 months, however from there I would again like to get some more lean size. My current stats are:

    Height: 185cm
    Weight: 87kg
    Bf: 12-15%

    Obviously I will not be touching anything till I am below 12% bf , but just wanted to ask for some advise as to which route to go down.

    With Steroids :
    I know what kind of results to expect , but the downsides which are keeping me away are:
    - The shut down.
    - Hair growth on body. Have had laser to bring it down to nonexistent but not too keen to do another year of laser if it comes back.
    - Hair loss on head (not massive however I am afraid of pushing it).

    With HGH:
    I have never tried it , and from what I have read/heard from trusted sources, though the fat burn potential is great. The gains on it are minimal at best.

    As such hoping you guys might be able to give me some advice or share your own experiences with GH? Has anyone successfully been able to gain any significant size on it or am I best running a low dosage test cycle and throwing GH in there for the PCT to combat the shut down ? Or? As I said very confused....

    Thankyou in advance for sharing your wisdom and knowledge.

  2. #2
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Thank you for the background Aussie Bob. Pardon my lack of artfulness in my analysis.... Imho results from anabolic steroids in aging males utilizing dbol & deca cycles diminish (and may appear low class). Everyday of the week and twice on Sunday I prefer bloat and long term body composition results provided by HGH (w/ testosterone usage of course). It's the truth, however frowned upon advertising, that when on AAS/HGH a user can eat garbage while maintaining the slim waistline. Benefits are real and's understandable how many view gains to be minimal at best. Hopeful my .02 sparks a conversation & you end up with greater clarity!

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