
New to the forum, been reading these things for years and finally decided I want some more criticism on my future cycles. 6'3", 192 lbs, 12-13% bf. Diet i shi&&y, I eat eat eat eat eat whatever I want and don't gain a pound of bad weight . Blessed or cursed.....? you tell me.

1st cycle 12 weeks 250 test E x 2 per week, gained nearly 30 lbs best I've ever felt in my life. Used Arimidex (liquid form) as need if side came up

2nd cycle 8 weeks 400 test x 2 per week weeks 1-8, tren ace 50 x 4 per week, mast 50 x 4 per week for 4 weeks. Didnt gain a bunch more weight but cut nicely and added lots of strength
Please don't bash me for this but I have never done a PCT and here I am 4 weeks after last cycle and bloods are already back to normal, never had supression of test levels and during either cycle never had any side except for the tren(typical side hot flashes, bp little high)

No question starts-
Ive aquired 300 IU's of US made somatropin pharma grade and Im really excited for it. My goals are to gain 10 lbs of lean mass and get to 200 lbs under 10% bf. Here is my proposed cycle please please please help me here info on this is all over the place
weeks 1-4 2 IU HGH 5/2 days week
week 5 2.5 IU HGH 5/2 Days week
week 6 3 IU HGH 5/2 Days Week 2 shots per day
week 7 4 IU HGH 5/2 days Week 2 shot per day
Test 400 x1 per week 1-12

Is only 3 months on the HGH going to help at all or should I get another kit?
Should I run test start or end of cycle
If I havent had to run PCT should I 100% of the time take PCT and AI although I've experienced NO sides or supression
Any advice on dosage of HGH and test and AI and PCT would really help a guy out!