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Thread: Need a little help dosing LR3IGF-1

  1. #1
    takotsubo is offline New Member
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    Need a little help dosing LR3IGF-1

    I have a 1000mcg vial, plan to use 80mcg on training days. I have 100iu slin pin, can someone please help me with the correct dosing using the 100iu slin pin?

  2. #2
    takotsubo is offline New Member
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    I plan on diluting the vial 1cc of bac water.

  3. #3
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    For your 1000mcg IGF-1 LR3, when mixed with 1mL bacteriostatic water, 8 units on your 100iu insulin syringe will equal 80mcg. For an expensive polypeptide hormone such as IGF-1, may I suggest using 2mL during reconstitution (using a greater volume helps with dosage accuracy and to minimize loss).
    almostgone likes this.

  4. #4
    OutThere is offline Banned
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    I'd use acetic acid .6% and mix with 2ml then draw out half and put into a sterile vial. That's two vials of 500mcg in 1ml. I'd use 20mcg IM bilaterally (20/20). I'd draw 20iu into a Slin syringe and fill the rest of syringe up with acetic acid or bac water if aa stings you. Then you've got 100mcg in 100iu. Backload into another Slin syringe as needle will be blunt from going through vial rubber.

  5. #5
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by OutThere View Post
    I'd use acetic acid .6% and mix with 2ml then draw out half and put into a sterile vial. That's two vials of 500mcg in 1ml. I'd use 20mcg IM bilaterally (20/20). I'd draw 20iu into a Slin syringe and fill the rest of syringe up with bac water if aa stings you. Then you've got 100mcg in 100iu. Backload into another Slin syringe as needle will be blunt from going through vial rubber.
    Please disregard the old misguided advice above. It is silly to use acetic acid solutions for igf-1 analogs as users are not requiring long term storage (not to mention the bulk of aa sold by ug vendors is bogus...) nor are they stressed about losing a small % of product within the vial. Further, bilateral injections for a systemic peptide is nonsense.

  6. #6
    OutThere is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    Please disregard the old misguided advice above. It is silly to use acetic acid solutions for igf-1 analogs as users are not requiring long term storage (not to mention the bulk of aa sold by ug vendors is bogus...)
    Why would their aa be bogus? You can make it from acetic acid in five minutes. Make it yourself if you don't trust your source. Bac water has benzyl alcohol that degrades IGF-1.

    nor are they stressed about losing a small % of product within the vial. Further, bilateral injections for a systemic peptide is nonsense.
    It has localised action. The 20mcg dose is designed to AVOID systemic action like intestinal growth. 20mcg localised will be used by the muscle before it can enter the bloodstream in significant amounts and carried elsewhere.

  7. #7
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by OutThere View Post
    Why would their aa be bogus? You can make it from acetic acid in five minutes. Make it yourself if you don't trust your source. Bac water has benzyl alcohol that degrades IGF-1.
    Because filtered vinegar and water is lacking an ingredient as I understand it (which is very difficult to source).

    Quote Originally Posted by OutThere View Post
    It has localised action. The 20mcg dose is designed to AVOID systemic action like intestinal growth. 20mcg localised will be used by the muscle before it can enter the bloodstream in significant amounts and carried elsewhere.
    For a while I was a fan of the I feel different. Thanks OutThere!

  8. #8
    OutThere is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    Because filtered vinegar and water is lacking an ingredient as I understand it (which is very difficult to source).

    For a while I was a fan of the I feel different. Thanks OutThere!
    Just curious; how does a solely systemic peptide cause fat loss at site injections? That would seem to be a localised effect no?

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