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  1. #1
    mikeratliff is offline New Member
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    Cutting cycle with Ibutamoren advice

    So I'm getting ready to begin a cutting cycle and have decided to take four compounds and would like any and all thoughts on dosing and/or adding or subtracting other compounds. I've got
    Ibutamoren (mik-677) 30mg capsules
    Clenbuterol 40mcg
    Letrozole 2.5mgs
    And a ECA burn stack
    Thanks in advance!!

  2. #2
    73rr's Avatar
    73rr is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Kinda seems like a lot of product to me but everyone is different I guess. What's your stats? Age, weight, body fat?

  3. #3
    mikeratliff is offline New Member
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    5'10" 223lbs just turned 30 at one time I was 345lbs I have been in a slump and hard to cut fat and make muscle gains at this point. I figured I'd cut more and then bulk when I destroy this fat

  4. #4
    73rr's Avatar
    73rr is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    How is your diet at this point? And what would u say your bf is at? Just asking because I likeep personal feel that products like clen and ECA work best when your under 15%. Even lower is better. That being said I would suggest possibly carb cycling until your down to that 15% even 12 % before using these kinda products.

  5. #5
    mikeratliff is offline New Member
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    Diet is on point. It took a lot of will power over the last two years to lose all that weight and at this point my eating habits are like second nature. Only clean foods. My bf% is still high at about 21% I
    Am seriously just not dropping anymore weight... I am grasping at straws here for a way to keep burning. 4-5 days a week at the gym plus a physically demanding railroading job..

  6. #6
    73rr's Avatar
    73rr is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Have u tried carb cycle? Or how have u been dropping the weight? I'm assuming your tdee and your macro count is all good because of your diet being in check.

    I would suggest up the cardio a little at a time and carb cycle but if your going to start with cycle things for weight loss maybe start easy with just a simple ECA stack and see how that goes. From there u can start adding to it. MORE IS NOT ALWAYS BETTER.

  7. #7
    mikeratliff is offline New Member
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    I have not done carb cycling. And I'm not savvy to it. Personally I started going into a caloric deficit slowly dropping down overtime. Eventually I had to pick it back up because I was having issues with erectile dysfunction and feeling weaker.. I keep stready on weight training and do cardio (usually bike or elliptical due to a bad left knee which is also why I wanted to take MK-677) I have used an ECA before and it worked well. I was informed that with the high body fat a AI may help lean out a little more while cutting. I was a little worried about running clen with ECA. My blood pressure is spot on for my weight and no other abnormalities.

  8. #8
    73rr's Avatar
    73rr is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'm sure one of the much smarter guys will jump in here and will be able to inform u more about mk677 and if u should run clen and a ECA stack together. But in my apinion It seems like a lot a stuff that's not needed. I like to keep thinks small and easy. Witch yes in some ways may take longer but much safer.

  9. #9
    mikeratliff is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the replies! All info is greatly appreciated. I just wanna be physically awesome haha

  10. #10
    Khazima's Avatar
    Khazima is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Mk-677 is best stacked with a GHRH preferably a long acting one (cjc 1295 w/dac) for best results.

    Try reverse dieting, add 100 calories or so every 3-5 days to your diet until you gain just a tiny tiny bit of weight then start taking small amount of calories out until you start losing weight again. Just aim for really small consistent changes. Add a little more cardio here and there and be patient.

    ECA + clen might induce a lot of sides. I'd recommend starting with austinites fat loss protocol, after a month or two try ECA (or ECY, ephedrine/caffeine/yohimbine) alone for a month, then take a month off stimulants and give Glen (or albuterol) a Go, Ideally it won't even come to that and like someone said it'll be a lot more effective to use something so strong later down the track.

  11. #11
    mikeratliff is offline New Member
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  12. #12
    mikeratliff is offline New Member
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    Why do you say to add calories and then drop again? What exactly does this do for the body as a whole?

  13. #13
    Khazima's Avatar
    Khazima is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeratliff View Post
    Why do you say to add calories and then drop again? What exactly does this do for the body as a whole?
    If you've been in a dramatic deficit for a long time you may have done some metabolic damage (basically slowing of the metabolism due to starvation) and reversing that required a relatively slow process of 'training' it back up to where it was potentially even further.

    Take a read into 'metabolic damage' and 'reverse dieting'. I'm not saying that's what your situation is but it may be of some help.

  14. #14
    mikeratliff is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the knowledge.

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