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Thread: recommended GH for cardio

  1. #1
    HGH_89 is offline Banned
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    recommended GH for cardio

    There r many Pharma Grade GH options out there, which is better for an athlete based on cardio and strength, rather than bodybuilding. So for a boxer/martial artist


  2. #2
    HGH_89 is offline Banned
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    I have no knowledge of the difference in GH...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    As far as I know... HGH is HGH no matter what. There is no difference.
    However... Finding real HGH is extremely difficult. Unless you are getting it from a pharmacy is is most probably fake.
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  4. #4
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    I'm not even sure if HGH is a better solution for cardio/strength over AAS. HGH helps repair tissue and aids in recovery. Well, that's been my experience. I can just stay stronger for longer after an AAS cycle when I'm on HGH. I like HGH's ability to put on lean muscle, more like a physique competitor, over a bodybuilding competitor. Definitely help enhance performance but it does it slowly over time. Definitely does NOT replace hard training.

  5. #5
    Godplex's Avatar
    Godplex is offline New Member
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    Would you say this is true among online (overseas) sources that have worked out several times for AAS? I've received only good AAS from this source many times over several years, but now want to run HGH.

  6. #6
    Godplex's Avatar
    Godplex is offline New Member
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    The Deadlifting Dog
    As far as I know... HGH is HGH no matter what. There is no difference.
    However... Finding real HGH is extremely difficult. Unless you are getting it from a pharmacy is is most probably fake.

    Would you say this is true among online (overseas) sources that have worked out several times for AAS? I've received only good AAS from this source many times over several years, but now want to run HGH.

  7. #7
    HGH_89 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I'm not even sure if HGH is a better solution for cardio/strength over AAS. HGH helps repair tissue and aids in recovery. Well, that's been my experience. I can just stay stronger for longer after an AAS cycle when I'm on HGH. I like HGH's ability to put on lean muscle, more like a physique competitor, over a bodybuilding competitor. Definitely help enhance performance but it does it slowly over time. Definitely does NOT replace hard training.
    Obviously, no drug would replace hard training, even AAS. Most drugs will aid it though! I'm not looking to become an Arnie or Sylvester, I'm looking to aid athletic performance. Strength & Conditioning, martial arts, boxing (cardio based) etc. And to help focus the mind into heavy training.
    I don't need extra testosterone as last time I checked my levels were off the scales anyway lol. Plus I don't wanna ruin my body with that s.hit. GH is pure, the more you produce the better, unless it's too much like that Turkish World's tallest man lol. Michael Phelps has an overactive pituitary gland as far as I'm aware. Not been a disservice to him has it...
    Last edited by HGH_89; 12-04-2015 at 09:26 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    You're a little young to be running HGH. A healthy male, aged 23, should be producing 1.5iu/ed of natural growth hormone . Taking exogenous HGH now could affect your natural production of GH. Normally, HGH's taken at about age 30 as the natural GH production begins to slow down.

  9. #9
    kallmenelly's Avatar
    kallmenelly is offline Associate Member
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    You need to run more then 1.5iu I'm running 4iu ed tell my palms get numb

  10. #10
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    Age is a big variable in the equation. Everything just works better when you're young. 1.5iu/ed of natural GH is enough to stay lean and strong, provided the diet and training's dialed in. I would not recommend exogenous introduction of HGH at 23 y/o. It's not necessary to maintain health and strength. There are other reasons for augmenting HGH into the regiment. If one is entering competitive BB arena, HGH will give you the edge, IMO. Just to make my case, my opinion is to take as little of everything to get the results that is desired. The more "stuff" that's introduced into the body, the more chance of adverse sides down the road.

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