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  1. #1
    steviemac is offline New Member
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    Jan 2016

    HGH for After Surgery?

    Okay, here's my story. I've had some small and large intestine removed from Diverticulitis (Brock Lesnar had it). They had to cut me open. Ever since my core is weak and I get sick if i exercise with any intensity. I can run, and do a light Insanity workout. If I push myself hard, I get bad cramping pains, nausea for a few days. I feel like my core is messed up. I'm 154 lbs, and won't gain anymore weight, and I can't seem to do any exercises to put any more weight on. Also, the other day, had some tighter pants on same thing, got sick, threw up and felt better. I'm planning on kitesurfing and hopefully other sports, but the kite harness will wrap right around my waist, where I'm still sensitive.

    I'm wondering if HGH might help short term to get me over a hump to strengthen my core. The other issue is actually getting some. I'm going to ask my doctor but they are at the point where they can't find anything wrong and are basically saying it my be adhesions from my surgery. I don't see him prescribing it, but I will ask. I'm not ready to give up. I've got a son who's 2 and wants to crawl on me, and my abdomen is weak.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I've experienced quicker recover from shoulder injury. My joints feels better while I'm on HGH. I know HGH helps me recover from injuries but I don't know if it will help your condition. If you decide to run HGH, I'd be curious to know your progress.

  3. #3
    bartman314's Avatar
    bartman314 is offline Productive Member
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    stevie, although i haven't had any surgery of the type you mention, it seems strange to me to have nausea in the way you do. have you talked to your dr about it? what's he say?

    scotch guard, what hgh protocol did you use for your shoulder?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I've always run 5iu/ed first thing in the am when I wake up. I took HGH through 3 knee surgeries and 1 shoulder surgery. It's good stuff.

  5. #5
    steviemac is offline New Member
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    Sorry for the late reply. Since my post I've has some physio on the scar tissue, and to help strengthen my core. I've started back to the gym, feeling pretty good lately. I've been way more active, swimming etc, and starting to feel way better. I'm not sure what causes my pains/sickness, but the other night I had some ketchup chips, and guess what, felt like shit all night. I don't eat a lot of chips, but I know plain is fine, and so far Doritos are also bad. No more junk food. I've been to the gym for about 2 weeks and started to do more each time. I also went for a massage and was told by the physiotherapist to have my scarring massaged. My core is weak for sure.

    I'm not sure if I'll HGH or not. Its almost impossible for me to get some from the doctor anyway.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    It's really tough to get HGH script from a doctor. It'll cost you an arm and a leg at a anti-aging center. You can get generic but the chances are it'll be diluted or all out faked. For now, you should just give your body time and heal.

  7. #7
    steviemac is offline New Member
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    Yes, that is the plan as I'm feeling pretty good lately. Thanks for the replies!

  8. #8
    testluva's Avatar
    testluva is offline Associate Member
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    I also had great success after two shoulder surgeries. Recovery was very fast. In addition to my TRT, my anti aging doctor gave me a Rx for Anavar , Deca and i did my own GH.

  9. #9
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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