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  1. #1
    Marsoc's Avatar
    Marsoc is offline Productive Member
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    HGhorilla tactics

    Okay so I’m all natural, only things I’ve ever dosed up was this most recent batch of omnitrope I got from a friends prescription. I only have about 6 vials of 5.8mg and I’m trying to stretch it as long as I can. I’ve heard people recommend 5days on and 2 days off but then I’ve also seen research shown that 3 days a week yields the same gains but only a little less fat loss. I train when I can now but I usually did every other day since I would give a full days rest after a large muscle group I.e Legs,back . Either way if the studies are correct (who really fuckin knows ) if I can just dose up on the days I workout the legs, chest and back day. Maybe even throw a shot in day after leg day also. Does anyone actually know or is it just opinions in the end. Personally I like to question things for the potential betterment of myself and others

  2. #2
    Cylon357's Avatar
    Cylon357 is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    I think a lot of things in this game, not just hgh, come down to personal experience and response. Yeah, studied can support one interpretation or another, but study results are averaged before being fully presented. Even then, while the full results might be available, we tend to look at the trends to support our decisions. In other words, studies may discount outliers, sometimes when they should not.

    Long winded way of saying "I think it comes down to individual response, within some general guidelines"

  3. #3
    Marsoc's Avatar
    Marsoc is offline Productive Member
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    So be it. I’m in it for the ride and anything I gain from it is just a cherry on top. The main thing is that I’m back in the saddle. Thanks for all the feedback.

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