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  1. #1
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Unhappy Chiropractic treatment and analysis

    Well my pelvic is still not properly aligned? i also have a calcium depot in one of my vertebrae in the neck, nothing major but my neck has to be realigned has well.

    Thats what the x rays showed yesterday, i am mad cause everyone i saw during thoses 5 years where all shit, and from the looks of it the situation never really corrected itself.

    The fact that my head is still leaning forward puts an enormous amount of pressure on my traps and upper back region, this is why when i train or overwork theses muscles they get back into spams and the pain comes back.

    My pelvic is not properly aligned has i said and that causes slight pain on my right side of my lower back.

    Except from the vertebrae in my neck which has some calcium depot all the rest of my disks have perfect spacing there is no arthritis nore degenerative disease.

    The chiro said that after my neck and head are properly alligned that calcium depot will stop there and i should not have any more problem with this.

    What bothers me is my pelvic and the fact that it doesnt stay adjusted?

    All in all this chiro is very professional and will not go on a feeling, it was x rays to start and its gonna be x rays after a certain amount of treatments to make sure that there is progress.

    Whats your view on this Doc Sust?

  2. #2
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    i agree that anterior head translation can put a great deal of pressure on you spine causing all sorts of muscleimalances and neck pain. BUT the only way to correct this is traction. the adjsutment will help possibly restore some of your spinal curve, but the traction is hands down the best.

    one good thing is you dont have Degenerative joint disease. so this is a positive on
    many levels

    as far as the pelvis, again best way for postural correction is traction for either anterior or posterior translation and the mirror image adjusting. again, many chiro's , including myself, dont practice the bio physics technique,but it really is far superiorto any other technique for postural corrections

    ask this guy what technique he practice, i amtelling you, to me he sounds like a gonstead practicioner.find out for me

  3. #3
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Thanks doc i will, calcium depot doesnt mean degenerative disk disease or arthrose? Yeah i have a stage 2 degenrative disk disease on a vertebrae on the neck, he said its very light and with adjustment it can just stop there.

    I dont wanna be wasting my time again Doc, do you think he is on the right track or not. What is traction?
    Last edited by sonar1234; 12-07-2006 at 01:50 PM.

  4. #4
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Difference between chiros that i seen in the past and this guy:

    Chiros i seen in the past only cracked me for the hell of it, this one has a marker and a devise that takes the temperture of the vertebrae, so he marks the vertebras that need some adjustments.

    He cracked me in the neck and pelvic region but he counted the vertebrae before doing it.

    I really hope that this time its gonna be the right time cause i am so tired of this damn pain.

  5. #5
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    i can tell just from what you worte, he adjusted your neck and pelvis only, he HAS to be a gonstead practcioner!

  6. #6
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    i can tell just from what you worte, he adjusted your neck and pelvis only, he HAS to be a gonstead practcioner!
    HAs promesed Doc i will ask him what technic he practice, is that Gonstead techic good?

    From 2003 biotonix posture program my head was incline by 28 degree in front and after the x rays from yesterday my head was inclined by 16 degree so there must have been some progress made over the years.

    I will bring him everything tomorrow during my treatment so he can study my biotonix has well.

  7. #7
    KAEW44's Avatar
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    In the past i had never had back or pelvis problems but while i was doing physical therapy for my knee one time they had me do many leg-press exercises towards the end of the therapy which actually cause a little alignment problem in the pelvis. I would feel it pop a little and hurt after sitting for long hours in the office and then standing up and it bothered me alot.
    I went to see the typical chiro and he cracked everything, i felt better that day, then two days later it came back again and i went back and the guy just cracked the hell out of it over and over. Apparently he loosened my hip so much it cant stay adjusted it goes back to bad position really fast, and the crook's solution was that i should get an adjustment every few days!!!!

    I left him ofcourse and went to another guy who was very detailed and thorough, did many tests for weaknesses in all muscle groups and any pains i had. I told him my past story and he told me he wont even do a single adjustment for now!! He gave me a series of lower back/hip/waist/glute/leg stretches which take like 5 minutes to do and he told me to do them 3-5 times a day at first. The tight muscles were a big part of the reason the hip kept coming back to the bad position. I did them for a week and felt better already, then he did a milder hip adjustment and told me to keep doing the stretches religeously! Let me tell you the old problem never came back! I am happy with this chiro! If your adjustment keeps messing up quick then look into tightness in your muscles which cause this.

  8. #8
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    KAEW44 thanks i add 2 bad experience with Chiros to date but this one is different, i didnt want to treat me at first and took the x rays and did some test has well then he sent me home said he would study my case.

    When i got back he told me what had to be done, i am happy to say that i got some amerlioration done back in 2003 my neck was at 28 Degree and now its at 16 degree so its positive.

    I wont stick around if i find out that this chiro is worth crap but i will give him a chance.

    Many people i know got treated by him and he is very good.

  9. #9
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    This chiro doesnt crack me up for the fun of it and he knows which vertebra he is cracking, he got a temperture device has well to know which one needs to be adjusted, has of now i can only walk for exercise and he said to wait before going back to weight training, he would tell me when the time comes.

    I got a program done for me called biotonix which had a lot of streching, i did it all too up to 5 times a day but it always comes back, i did some lower back strenghtening exercise, streching, and more, that did solve the problem.

    With this Chiro i can figure out a plan to get better, i dont wanna miss any of is treatments and wanna follow is plan.

    I told him when i steped into is office that i had bad experiences and that if it didnt work with him i wouldnt stick around, there is nothing for me left to do with the treatments available around where i live, you name it i did it.

    Now i got x rays that prove to me where my problem is and a chiro that will work on theses problems and not tell me bullshit like the others did.
    Last edited by sonar1234; 12-08-2006 at 08:09 AM.

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