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  1. #1
    Chubbosaurus's Avatar
    Chubbosaurus is offline Junior Member
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    Anyone here have keratosis pilaris (little red bumps on your arms and legs)?

    If so, have you found anything to treat this? The only thing I've found that really helps is tanning... but I'd rather try something that doesn't case cancer and premature aging.

  2. #2
    RexKwonDo's Avatar
    RexKwonDo is offline Junior Member
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    I do, I exfoliate with a loofah every morning and use a body scrub exfoliant St. Ives Apricot Scrub, then I use AMLactin Lotion to keep moisturized once a day. I also heard that retin-a cream is great, I bought some and its in the mail but that shit is so ****ing expensive I hear u can go through w tube in a couple of days and its like 40 bucks a pop. Take flax/fish oil supplements too. Tanning clears my kp up the best tho

  3. #3
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
    BITTAPART2 is offline Senior Member
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    if its from shaving???? i used to get them too, but i dont know if its the same thing. For me after i shave I swipe the area with rubbing alcohol and then witch hazel. no problems since i starting doing that. I moisterize with aquaphor, it is similar to vaseline but more viscous and a little goes a long way but is fragrence free and hypoallergenic, I use it on my toddler and have used it on him since he was a baby its very gentle.

  4. #4
    mick86's Avatar
    mick86 is offline Member
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    I believe that I used to get that on my arms, or if it wasn't that it was folliculitis. Either way it was annoying, and despite trying numerous treatments I didnt really find anything that helped. After some time it went away on it own.

  5. #5
    run_n_fool is offline Associate Member
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    There is a moisturizing product called DermaDoc KP Duty that is similar to AmLactin. I've used both and found the KP Duty to work better for me. Definately need to exfoliate the area for best results.

    I've also heard apple cider vinigar is effective.

  6. #6
    Malcolm is offline New Member
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    Red face

    For keratosis pilaris home remedy..we can do..
    *Mix equal parts Sugar and Olive Oil and stir together, then use as a body scrub for the areas affected with Keratosis Pilaris. This body scrub should be made fresh, and used once a week.
    *Add a couple of Tablespoons of Vitamin E Oil to a warm bath then soak in the bath for between 20 and 30 minutes. Vitamin E Oil has been shown to help improve Keratosis Pilaris.

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