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  1. #1
    Papa-pwn is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2012

    Shoot me some Bro-Science..possible hernia?

    So while on the head earlier, I felt a small round lump in my groin. It was on the right half, about an inch above the base of the penis, and 3 inches to the right, near what I believe is the inguinal area. It is not painful, unless I poke and push the shit out of it. Yesterday was leg day, and it didn't bug me when I was cranking out 405 on squats. It doesn't create much of a bulge in the skin, or change in abdominal appearance, but I can feel it with my fingers. When I lay down it doesn't exactly disappear, but it is much less prominent to the touch.

    Does this sound like a possible sports hernia? Keep in mind I do lift heavy, especially the compound lifts. Any advice or ideas of other possible reasons are welcome and sought after!

    Of course, I will be scheduling a doctors visit soon, just to be safe. I just wanted some opinions from the lot of you.

    Also, has anyone had to deal with a hernia while on gear? Did you have the surgery immediately or wait until after your cycle/PCT?

  2. #2
    optionsdude's Avatar
    optionsdude is offline Member
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    I recently had surgery for an umbilical hernia. I was only on a trt dose but tapered it down even more before surgery since they do bloodwork before,and I self administer my trt. The most important thing is that if it pokes out and causes pain you prob want to go to the hospital immediately. Your guts can get pinched off and lose bloodlfow and can actually start to rot inside of you. Not trying to scare you but definitely get it checked out soon.

  3. #3
    600@50's Avatar
    600@50 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    With the 100 lb plates.
    I had an inguinal hernia repaired back in 1986. There was no real "pain" in the area just a dull ache like someone was pressing the area all the time. I could make it pop out by holding my breath and inflating the abdominal area. I put up with the ache for about 6 months. When I had surgery I only missed a week of work. From where you describe your bulge that's right where most inguinal hernias happen. There was no mesh used in my repair and there has only been a couple of times that there was an aching feeling where the repair was made. Like optionsdude said...hernias can go bad quickly. It's not something to mess around with.

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