Thread: Rheumatoid Arthritis blood test
05-22-2013, 12:07 AM #1
Rheumatoid Arthritis blood test
Hey whats going on. Recently I have suffering from red, puffy, and hot to the touch knees, specifically my left knee. A lot of my googling and looking around keeps coming up with the same conclusion, Rheumatoid Arthritis. I want to go to the doc and get a blood test done BUT i'm currently on a Prop/NPP run. My question is do you think that the aas will screw with any part of the blood test? The last thing I want to do is go on for a check up and get busted for use ya know? ANY info would be much appreciated.
05-22-2013, 06:16 AM #2
No it wont show up unless they look for it specifically. I cant think of anything it would throw off except for Cholesterol and liver function.
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