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  1. #1
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Back injury/pinch nerve disc...IGF-1 OR TB

    Does the TB help with nerve repair too?

  2. #2
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I have the same problem would love to know. Subscribing to this....

  3. #3
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Good luck my man, Dr don't know as much as they pretend, best of luck.

  4. #4
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Mar 2004
    i healed a nerve injury in my neck once with 600mgs of test for a month, with NO AI. The first week it improved like 80% after almost no improvemnet in two months. Origially my plan was to increase IGF-1 with the test and high estrogen(e2 stimulates gh, as do most androgens to an extent) I didnt have acces to GH so i went that route, var increases IGF-1 also even tho not estrogenic but that was too expenisve. After BW my igf was actually on the low side, which means the healing occured via the androgen and estrogen load itself. Upon resaerch androgens and estrogens are VERY active in nerve tissue and rescuing dendrites and axons from damage. The big player seems to be DHT. The same injury 2 yearlater and i used primo, a DHT dericative, it didnt work as good. I have a bunch of Masteron and some tren i was saving for a cutting cycle soon. Currently on 100mg of test c, /wk and 25mg of as maintenence. Have some test ace i will increase tmrw, going to bump npp to 50mgs and test and add test ace 50 mgs a day and see what happens. Keep ya posted. Pregnenolone and DHEA are also active in neuro tissue but more in the CNS, not so much perifial. Already on dhea and 7-keto dhea, will add preg. Preg is more active in perifial nervous system from what if=ve found so far so that should be a bigger player.. Will add 200mgs of mast in 2 weeks id progress is slow of may try to obtain some pure DHT gel "andractim".(annger in a bottle lol) at high dose, or perhaps var. If that doesnt work i'll go thelr3- igf-1 route most likely.
    Currently they have me on prednisone(grrr), vicoden(yayyy) and an anti-spasmatic. There has been improvement from yesterday, able to walk fourther and sleep. May get an MRI this week to see if a disc leaked at L-4,5.
    And before you say "quite playing doctor" read, "Anabolic Therapy in Modern Medicine". Anabolics have been used to heal a myriad of pathologies. I'm not just s "steroid " guy who thinks roids are the cure for everything, but they are underutilzed in medicine for sure. In a way, im almost glad this happend as im curiious to find out which steroid is the most effective at healing nerve patholgies, the DHT family is the greatest interest to me. I think i will find that var is going to be the best one, but curious what masteron will do.
    Last edited by AnabolicBoy1981; 10-06-2013 at 10:06 PM.

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