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Thread: Shoulder pain

  1. #1
    blemshow's Avatar
    blemshow is offline Junior Member
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    Shoulder pain

    Hey guys I'm 21 year old 210 pounds and about 20% bodyfat. I'm 5'-11.5". It seems my right shoulder is experiencing pain and is causing me to pump lighter in fear of a full blown shoulder injury. Question is...... TB 500 a safe peptide to use at my age. And if so what would be the correct usage and dose for me. Thanks so much looking forward from hearing from you all !!

  2. #2
    Khazima's Avatar
    Khazima is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Try resting it for a week first, then come back easy, use ice when it's inflamed and bothering you and heat when the inflammation goes down, 20mins on 20 mins off for both.

    The biggest culprit for shoulder pain is the bench press, remember to keep your scapula retracted (shoulder blades pinched together) and elbows tucked to a 45 degree angle, I find a bit of a closer grip but less stressful on my shoulders as I too have dodgy shoulders.

    Times Roman has a great thread on his dosing protocol and success with TB500, I believe it is safe at your (our) age and I'll be using it soon too as I have multiple niggling injuries. I'll be running 5mg for 1 week then 2mg every week from then on, unless I find a better protocol by the time I get it.

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    follow the link in my signature to read the log

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I tweaked the heck out of my elbow twisting on a box end wrench. I'm gonna follow TR's TB-500 regiment. Read the whole post and I learned a lot.

  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    Try resting it for a week first, then come back easy, use ice when it's inflamed and bothering you and ICE at when the inflammation goes down, 20mins on 20 mins off for both.

    The biggest culprit for shoulder pain is the bench press, remember to keep your scapula retracted (shoulder blades pinched together) and elbows tucked to a 45 degree angle, I find a bit of a closer grip but less stressful on my shoulders as I too have dodgy shoulders.

    Times Roman has a great thread on his dosing protocol and success with TB500, I believe it is safe at your (our) age and I'll be using it soon too as I have multiple niggling injuries. I'll be running 5mg for 1 week then 2mg every week from then on, unless I find a better protocol by the time I get it.
    Actually Ice works a LOT better especially for a new injury. Heat is good after it feels better for a few days because it will help promote healing but putting heat on it when it's still injured/inflamed will make the inflammation worse.

    It feels better when you start but it will get worse than it was originally.

    I would stop working it for at least 2-3 weeks. Shoulders are slow to heal and it's easy to damage them more without realizing until it's to late.
    Khazima and Chicagotarsier like this.

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