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Thread: Epididymitis/Prostatitis

  1. #1
    Myers's Avatar
    Myers is offline Associate Member
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    Okay so starting october 2016 i developed epididymitis again after 4 years
    1st time i had it 3 years ago it lasted for about 9-10 months , left a scar on my left testicle , soon after i found out i got low T

    Now i'm in battle with it again ... for october i got a prescription of 3 antibiotics , 7 days of levofloxacin , 7 days of doxycycline , 3 days of hemomycine
    Kinda worked , but it was back in december again , took another course of antis , cleared
    Started cycle 3rd week of january , after 3 weeks it's back again , by that time i realised it's probably prostatitis , since it keeps coming back , anyway as far as i was guessing swollen prostate from 400mg of test a week + infection made it a bit harder to pee and man did i have to go frequently , i took some b sitosterols , saw palmetto and pumpkin seeds , + antibiotics , cleared it up.

    A month ago there was a week of really cold weather , totally not normal for that time of the year , it was snowing again lol, i caught a cold , seems it triggered it again , came back . epididymitis was painful , prostate didn't feel swollen like on cycle at all, but i had need to piss constantly , even if only a little came out , so i guess it did increase a bit from the infection...again antibiotics, pain is way less now , almost gone , now the pissing problem persisted somehow...

    I get up like once during the night to pee - nothing problematic , when i do i pee a lot , stream is strong a lot comes out
    During the day i was getting horrible urge to pee constantly - when i go it's harder to start , stream is decent if there is any actual urine in my bladder lol, if not i just push to get some out to get rid ofthe urge
    I masturbate quite often , like 2-3 times during the day , remember before when i had it they told me to do it a lot as it helps the clearing process . Anyway now when i masturbate i felt like muscles in the pelvic area contract too much , like prostate swells up or the muscles are too contracted since after that i get even stronger urge to piss and its harder to pee

    After cycle i stopped saw palmetto, sitosterols etc.. not really cheap to get here , hoped i won't need them , i'll get palmetto again now and run it for 3-4 months
    I started supplementing 60 mg Zinc daily , 2g C vitamin , 5000 iu vit D
    I'm on TRT nebido every 9 weeks
    I stopped masturbating for 2 days , and my urge to pee actually is gone , i'm finally able to go 3-4 hours without constant need to piss , this night i didn't even wake up to pee and the pain is gone
    Also everytime i get epididymitis i develop hemorrhoids , i started using some weird creme for skin problems on them , and they actually healed in like 2 days lol

    Didn't go to doctor , as everytime i did i always get the same treatment , i'm planning to go to a urologist in other city , since i gotta make a trip to endo anyway in a week so i'll ask him to recommend some urologist.

    I can do PSA test but i guess it won't show me much since it can be elevated from infection also, but since i'm 23 i doubt i got huge case of BPH already , neither my symptoms are that similar
    MRI is too expensive for me atm
    I'm planning to do ultrasound of abdomen before going to tht urologist.

    I'm not certain what to do anymore , as this crap is making me really depressed, any1 experienced anything similar? Any other antibiotic u could suggest, i don't need a prescription here i can get anything from a pharmacy.

    Oh and 3 years ago when i 1st had epi. after 10 months it was just gone , i remember i woke up one day and it didnt hurt, it just went away by itself ...

  2. #2
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Look into 'Levator syndrome',,,you may be experiencing it or something similar. Masturbating too much can cause the prostate to feel inflamed and irritated.
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  3. #3
    Myers's Avatar
    Myers is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    Look into 'Levator syndrome',,,you may be experiencing it or something similar. Masturbating too much can cause the prostate to feel inflamed and irritated.
    Thx for the insight , could be , it is kinda similar, i need to strengthen my core tbh , my pelvis is tilted and my abs are weak, i squat 190 kg atm, and deadlift 220kg , but i always hated doing abs , even at low bf my core sucks because of that , i actually started hitting them 2 weeks ago rofl, i think i did 6-7 ab exercises in 2 years...

  4. #4
    TRA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myers View Post
    Okay so starting october 2016 i developed epididymitis again after 4 years
    1st time i had it 3 years ago it lasted for about 9-10 months , left a scar on my left testicle , soon after i found out i got low T

    Now i'm in battle with it again ... for october i got a prescription of 3 antibiotics , 7 days of levofloxacin , 7 days of doxycycline , 3 days of hemomycine
    Kinda worked , but it was back in december again , took another course of antis , cleared
    Started cycle 3rd week of january , after 3 weeks it's back again , by that time i realised it's probably prostatitis , since it keeps coming back , anyway as far as i was guessing swollen prostate from 400mg of test a week + infection made it a bit harder to pee and man did i have to go frequently , i took some b sitosterols , saw palmetto and pumpkin seeds , + antibiotics , cleared it up.

    A month ago there was a week of really cold weather , totally not normal for that time of the year , it was snowing again lol, i caught a cold , seems it triggered it again , came back . epididymitis was painful , prostate didn't feel swollen like on cycle at all, but i had need to piss constantly , even if only a little came out , so i guess it did increase a bit from the infection...again antibiotics, pain is way less now , almost gone , now the pissing problem persisted somehow...

    I get up like once during the night to pee - nothing problematic , when i do i pee a lot , stream is strong a lot comes out
    During the day i was getting horrible urge to pee constantly - when i go it's harder to start , stream is decent if there is any actual urine in my bladder lol, if not i just push to get some out to get rid ofthe urge
    I masturbate quite often , like 2-3 times during the day , remember before when i had it they told me to do it a lot as it helps the clearing process . Anyway now when i masturbate i felt like muscles in the pelvic area contract too much , like prostate swells up or the muscles are too contracted since after that i get even stronger urge to piss and its harder to pee

    After cycle i stopped saw palmetto, sitosterols etc.. not really cheap to get here , hoped i won't need them , i'll get palmetto again now and run it for 3-4 months
    I started supplementing 60 mg Zinc daily , 2g C vitamin , 5000 iu vit D
    I'm on TRT nebido every 9 weeks
    I stopped masturbating for 2 days , and my urge to pee actually is gone , i'm finally able to go 3-4 hours without constant need to piss , this night i didn't even wake up to pee and the pain is gone
    Also everytime i get epididymitis i develop hemorrhoids , i started using some weird creme for skin problems on them , and they actually healed in like 2 days lol

    Didn't go to doctor , as everytime i did i always get the same treatment , i'm planning to go to a urologist in other city , since i gotta make a trip to endo anyway in a week so i'll ask him to recommend some urologist.

    I can do PSA test but i guess it won't show me much since it can be elevated from infection also, but since i'm 23 i doubt i got huge case of BPH already , neither my symptoms are that similar
    MRI is too expensive for me atm
    I'm planning to do ultrasound of abdomen before going to tht urologist.

    I'm not certain what to do anymore , as this crap is making me really depressed, any1 experienced anything similar? Any other antibiotic u could suggest, i don't need a prescription here i can get anything from a pharmacy.

    Oh and 3 years ago when i 1st had epi. after 10 months it was just gone , i remember i woke up one day and it didnt hurt, it just went away by itself ...
    Go to a urologist. Epididymitis presents nothing like prostatitis. That's a lot of abx and some big guns. Levaquin (levofloxacin) has a risk of tendon rupture up to several months after taking so I would use only if absolutely necessary and make sure doc knows you lift and workout and question about safety.
    Actually, for prostatitis they encourage daily ejaculation. But again, see a Urologist. Your symptoms are too frequent and complex to solve on a forum, as much knowledge as there is here.

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