Hi everyone,
I have seen a lot of posts that don’t give enough information on the first post and whilst I have read a lot, I seem to get more and more confused the more I read. I know you guys will say I am skinny, but I am trying, progressing with load. So I thought I would start out by just asking what you think would be best for me:
Age: 32
BF%: +- 11%
Weight: 79kg (dont laugh :P )
Height: 6’2†(188cm)
Gymming for a year now, changed my diet to eat clean and started cutting fat, however I have upped my calorie intake as I realized I cannot put on weight without a caloric surplus (I estimate I am now on a small surplus).
Day 1 – Upper legs;
Day 2 – Chest and calves;
Day 3 – Back and abs;
Day 4 – Rest;
Day 5 – Shoulders and calves;
Day 6 – Arms and abs;
Day 7 – Rest.
I do calves twice a week because they are a weak point for me. I do not do them with upper legs because if I do, the next day I am fatigued and irritable and have no motivation for anything. Having changed to this I now have more energy and am seeing slow gains.
I am usually in the gym for around 45mins to an hour. I don’t do cardio at all (I know I should at my age, but I don’t want to lose mass, I am already thin lol).
Recomposition (Gain lean mass, lose fat).
I do not want to gain fat, I don’t mind slow gains and have no unrealistic expectations (although you may tell me that this is unrealistic). I also don’t mind putting on lean muscle and no (or little fat) as the more muscle mass the lower the % bf (all things remaining equal).
Realistically, I would like to be 90kg and ripped (long term – not after a first cycle, however after the first cycle I would like to have added +-5kg and had no fat increase). As you can see my diet is aimed toward minimum fat gain (although you may tell me its pathetic, in which case please help).
Vitamins: I take a good Vitamin B complex, and a good multivitamin.
Before Gym:
• Banana, oats (50g), whey(1 scoop evolve Whey);
• Olimp Redweisser Pre-Workout
After Gym:
• SSN Anabolic (33.5g Protein, 55g Carbs)
• Muscletech Creactor;
• L-glutamine
8am – 3 whole eggs
9am – red apple
10h00 – 1 can tuna, 1/8 tub of smooth no fat cottage cheese, 4 heaped tablespoons brown and wild rice (probably 2/3’s of a cup), 10 Cashew Nuts;
13h00 – 1 skinless chicken breast, 4 heaped tablespoons brown and wild rice
14h30 – 2 whole eggs scrambled, little bit of milk.
15h30 – 60g biltong, 10 cashew nuts
17h00 – red apple
18h30 – 1 skinless chicken breast, lettuce, 10 cashew nuts
20h00 – l-glutamine
Bed - +- 8 hours sleep.
1. Is my diet on point?
2. Is my routine ok?
3. Could I look at AAS to help, or am I too novice to start this now? (If I am not allowed to talk about AAS, then I do apologise)
4. If I could look at AAS what should I look at? It would be a first cycle and it should lean toward my goals of recomposition, however I know a first time user should never do tren, so I was thinking perhaps EQ and test (or winnie and test)? If this would be a good first cycle, I will have to do my homework on the stack and where to source, however example stacks for my goals would be greatly appreciated.
Hairloss. There is no genetic baldness in my family, however there is thinning and my head has thinned a bit. I would therefore like, if you think its worth it, to do a lower dose cycle (I don’t want to be huge so I don’t think full bodybuilder doses of anything would ever be necessary for me).