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  1. #1
    wes cst rydr's Avatar
    wes cst rydr is offline Associate Member
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    never use clomid because of buddys talking about people going blind with it.what is the skinny on that?just doing another 500mg wk test e. for 12 wks. maybe d tabs 1-4. always just use nolv but doesnt seem to be enough, no sides just seems like a long recovery.what is a safe way to use the clomid?can you go blind or is that just B.S. ?

  2. #2
    BigJames's Avatar
    BigJames is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wes cst rydr
    never use clomid because of buddys talking about people going blind with it.what is the skinny on that?just doing another 500mg wk test e. for 12 wks. maybe d tabs 1-4. always just use nolv but doesnt seem to be enough, no sides just seems like a long recovery.what is a safe way to use the clomid?can you go blind or is that just B.S. ?
    I have heard the same thing about clomid, not blindness specifically, but vision problems as a result of use. There have been posts on this board about bros suffering from blurry vision as a result of clomid use. There are a couple of arguements for and against clomid and both can be found by researching PCT and clomid specifically. Most will tell you that PCT should include clomid AND nolva.

    My research on the matter convinced me that colmid is not only unnecessary, but also detrimental to overall HPTA recovery. I am not a doc and I am not an expert, this was just my personal opinion after researching for several months. The stuff I read indicated that a solid PCT would include nolva, tribulus, and possibly HCG . According to what I read, clomid actually suppresses pituatary function and has to be taken in high doses (100-300mg ED) to block estrogen uptake. Nolva on the other hand, can be taken in low doses (20-40mg ED) and actually stimulates the pituatary while blocking estrogen uptake.

    I personally wrapped my cycle up with 20mg nolva ED and 3g Trib ED for 3 weeks. I also threw in a small does of clomid for about 10 days at 100/100/100/50/50/50/50/50/50/50/50 or something like this. All was well for me. I was not going to include the clomid, but in the end I thought it was better to be safe then sorry because EVERYONE was pushing it hard. Later, I read more on this and found other people who do not use it.

    I want to be clear that the comments above are by no means the be all end all of PCT and proper research should be conducted before experimenting because PCT can make or break you. I recommend searching for pheednos PCT schedule and creating your own after reading his suggestions. There will no doubt be others with conflicting opinions on the matter and everyone has a right to their own opinion.

    My plan as of right now is to use a combo of nolva and trib on my next cycle.

    Good luck,


  3. #3
    Zelos is offline Associate Member
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    i had this symptom on my last pct , blurry vision . But goes off after 2 weeks .

  4. #4
    wes cst rydr's Avatar
    wes cst rydr is offline Associate Member
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    yeah, i drive a big rig so i dont want any chance of blurry vision, so i think i may not use the clomid.

  5. #5
    BigJames's Avatar
    BigJames is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wes cst rydr
    yeah, i drive a big rig so i dont want any chance of blurry vision, so i think i may not use the clomid.
    Some may argue, but I personnally do not think it is necessary for proper recovery.

  6. #6
    dtnosk66 is offline New Member
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    whats a good substitude?

  7. #7
    ben2285 is offline Junior Member
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    I've used clomid before and never had any problems. Arimidex may be a possible replacement, you just have to be careful not to use too much as it can drive your estrogen too low.

  8. #8
    ect0m0rph is offline Member
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    Ive used clomid before and had no problems, none of my buddies have either but that's just us.

  9. #9
    Da_Mayor is offline Junior Member
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    clomid works great for me did it 300 first day then 100 ed for a week then 50 ed for a week

  10. #10
    notorious_mem's Avatar
    notorious_mem is offline Senior Member
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    no problems for me either.

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