What Manufacturer makes the best HCG ...
almost done with my first cycle. my research brought me to the conclusion that clomind is really not the pct of choice for me because of it's side effects..
I have another question, would taking nolvadex 50mg/edx2weeks to 20mg/ed2weeks plus a HCG be good enough without clomid?
500mg every week test c
400mg every week deca , both for 12 weeks
35mg first 4 weeks of dbol

I em now half way into my cycle which my i also add that so far has been a pretty good cycle. gained 23lbs so far. my weight trainings up more then i expected... i would really hate to see all my time and dedication go to waist because of a bad pct if you know what i mean. I would deeply appreciate someone with experience to acknowledge me on my situation? thank you.