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  1. #1
    ftw817 is offline New Member
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    Clen and Taurine dosage with this pct? HCG dosage?

    I am doing test E 500mg once a week for 12 weeks, I am in week 6. I have noticed some bloating and testicle shrinkage. I have a few questions. My pct two weeks after last injection will be Day 1 300 mg Clomid, 20 mg Nolva and .25 mg arimidex . Days 2 through 30 100 mg Clomid, 20 mg Nolva and .25 mg arimidex. Days 31 to 37 20 mg Nolva and .25 mg arimidex.

    My main question is should I, and if so, HOW MUCH and WHEN/HOW OFTEN should I run Clen with Taurine?

    Second question, I just purchased some HCG , what dosage should I start using and how often for the ball shrinkage?

    And last question, should I run some Nolva 10mg every day and arimidex .25mg every day during my cycle?


  2. #2
    JROKK26 is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2007
    Tampa Bay, FL.
    I just finished my first cycle of test-e as well and planning to run clen check this: out Clen Faq. You better like it it took me ages.
    I plan on running the Benadryl method for 4-6 weeks. Taurine is for cramps and should be supp. at 3-5grams/day
    HCG I believe is run at 500IU/day for 7 days in between last inj. and start of PCT but do a search as I'm not too familiar with HCG Hopefully some buddy with more experience will post for you on this.
    I did not run either nolva or l-dex during cycle and was fine, a little bloated from holding water that's it but every buddy is different. It's good to have on hand in case of gyno. If you are really bloated and uncomfortable than maybe you should give it a go.
    Read this: Pheedno's PCT

    I hope this helps a little. There is a lot of great information on this site just keep searching.

    Good Luck

  3. #3
    JROKK26 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Tampa Bay, FL.
    Also for HCG read: PCT by SWALE

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