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  1. #1
    jdee2k is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    m1t without pct... advice

    Hey all, about a year and half ago I fooled around with m1t's, did a two weeks cycle but didn't do a proper PCT, I only took 6oxo. While I was on it I took hawthorn berry + milk thistle. Then about 3 months later I went back on for another week. Bad decision, I'm thinking my cortisol levels were messed and I was definetely becoming depressed, so I went back on for a cycle of a week. And I didn't use any PCT that time. I'm not sure how my test levels have been affected in the meantime, I'm sure they shut down after that second cycle for awile. I'm guessing my test levels are a lot lower right now then they were before I cycled.
    So I'm wondering what I should do now, does it make sense to take Clomid at this point. Or should I just go see my doctor?

  2. #2
    x_moe's Avatar
    x_moe is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jun 2006
    Middle East 4 Now
    do bloodwork first and post up the results

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