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Thread: My cycle

  1. #1
    Lexed's Avatar
    Lexed is offline Anabolic Member
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    My cycle

    Week 1 to 13: 10mg Nolvadex Every Day
    Week 1 to 16: 0.25 arimidex Every Other Day
    Week 1 to 8: 3000-5000ius of HCG every 4th week
    Week 1 to 8: 50mg of Prop Every Day
    Week 1 to 8: 50mg of winny Every Day
    Week 1 to 10: 50mg of proviron Every Day
    wk 13 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid Every Day
    wk 14 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid Every Day
    wk 15 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid Every Day

    I was thinking instead of using Test Prop to use Hgh like jin or Hyg 5-8 IU's a day depending on which one. What do you guys think? If I take the hgh should I not take the hcg or rather not arimidex?

  2. #2
    x_moe's Avatar
    x_moe is offline Anabolic Member
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    Middle East 4 Now
    bro wut the hell!? nolva, clomid, proviron , adex, hcg , using all for prop winny cycle ?! dont start the cycle like that man.

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